Senegal Bichir


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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i want to get a senegal bichir they have in my lfs. only concern i have is will i start to lose corys when it gets bigger?
Depends on the Corydoras. Small species such as Corydoras hastatus, then yes, very likely. But medium to large species, such as bronze and peppered Corydoras will be fine. Senegal bichirs feed primarily on insect larvae in the wild, and aren't particularly predatory towards fish.

Cheers, Neale
good stuff thanks for the reply. i have a mix of bronze peppered and schwarzi so i rekon they should be ok
Wow, I'm pretty surprised. I can't imagine a Senegal eating adult peppered cories. How big was this bichir? What did you otherwise feed it?

I guess you better be careful then!

Cheers, Neale

I'd say be careful mark, my larger senegal picked off my group of good sized albino corys,
Wow, I'm pretty surprised. I can't imagine a Senegal eating adult peppered cories. How big was this bichir? What did you otherwise feed it?

I guess you better be careful then!

Cheers, Neale

I'd say be careful mark, my larger senegal picked off my group of good sized albino corys,

It is 8" and is fed a varied diet of bloodworm, brineshrimp, lance fish, prawn, earthworm and bloodworm pellets, algae wafers as well as hikari sinking and floating pellets which the bichir also happily takes.

I should say though that this bichir may be the exception as it has also somehow managed to catch and kill a 4" Boesmani Rainbow and a 4" Giant Danio. The corys were all at least 2.5"

Also as a comparison my albino senegal was fine with the smaller fish,
How big was the tank? It's hard to imagine a Senegal bichir catching a healthy giant danio in a 250-litre aquarium (the minimum for giant danios). As you known, bichirs can't move fast, and depend on stealth, mostly catching things at night.

I've kept both Senegal and marbled bichirs, and never had any problems with them. The marbled bichir lived with Congo tetras, Nannaethiops and various Ctenopoma for a good 15 years.

Cheers, Neale
i will get it and keep a close eye on things . if it doesnt work it gives me an excuse to get another tank!
How big was the tank? It's hard to imagine a Senegal bichir catching a healthy giant danio in a 250-litre aquarium (the minimum for giant danios). As you known, bichirs can't move fast, and depend on stealth, mostly catching things at night.

I've kept both Senegal and marbled bichirs, and never had any problems with them. The marbled bichir lived with Congo tetras, Nannaethiops and various Ctenopoma for a good 15 years.

Cheers, Neale

Its a 475Litre 5ft tank Neale, this bichir has the habit of swimming at the same level as the other fish, and seems to lunge at anything that swims too close to its face, I rescued another rainbow from its mouth just a few weeks ago after the bichir latched onto it and barrel rolled around the tank. I'm currently trying to rehome all of the smaller fish out of the tank now
Tank sounds a good size. I've never heard of one this predatory. Not that I'm doubting you at all, but this is very unusual. This species is generally quite placid and works well with fast-moving fish it can't catch.

In the words of the Hitchhiker's Guide, I may have to update my entry on this species to mostly harmless!

Cheers, Neale
Yes i think this Bichir is definitely the exception,

Here a pic of the tank taken september 4th
Nice tank; I like what you've done to make a lots of nooks and crannies without wasting too much swimming space.

Is that a "Nica" towards the bottom left? Lovely cichlid; tragically underrated.

Cheers, Neale
Nice tank; I like what you've done to make a lots of nooks and crannies without wasting too much swimming space.

Is that a "Nica" towards the bottom left? Lovely cichlid; tragically underrated.

Cheers, Neale

Thanks, yes its a Nicaragua cichlid, definitely one of may favourite species
went and got him this morning. size wise id say around 6 inches seems to have identity issues tho lol as hes constantly swimming around mid to top water and literally doesnt stop! hope he works out im already taken with him .

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