Senegal Bichir Feeding

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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I'm really unsure of what I should be feeding my bichir, most people say live food everyday is bad for most fish, but don't bichirs really only like live food?

I give him shrimp pelets that he gradually gnaws on. But he really loves bloodworms, krill, and mosquito larvae. Are those good everyday foods for him, or is it not good to feed him live food everyday?
Live food is still alive. Not frozen foods etc. I feed mine high protein pellets, shrimp, bloodworms etc. pellets everyday with bloodworm and shrimp every other day or so.
Live food is still alive. Not frozen foods etc. I feed mine high protein pellets, shrimp, bloodworms etc. pellets everyday with bloodworm and shrimp every other day or so.

Yeah when I said live, I mean't frozen. So for the bichir I should alternate between the pellets and frozen foods every other day?
mine will hand feed bloodworms, but accept brine shrimp also.

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