Personally, I would never keep puffers with bichirs. I watched a trio of smallish puffers at a local fish store completely denude a Rope Fish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus...a Polypterid like the bichirs) of all of its fins and both of its opercula (gill covers) in a relatively short period of time. The Rope Fish didn't survive the onslaught.
Puffers are, in general, notorious fin-nippers and though they're relatively slow-moving they are relentless in their pursuit. I've been keeping bichirs for well over 30 years and have also kept a few species of puffers and I'll tell you right now that I'd never risk my bichirs with puffers.
Puffers are, in general, notorious fin-nippers and though they're relatively slow-moving they are relentless in their pursuit. I've been keeping bichirs for well over 30 years and have also kept a few species of puffers and I'll tell you right now that I'd never risk my bichirs with puffers.