Fred and the Fredettes
I have just purchased a 4-foot tank with the following inhabitants; x3 Senegal Bichir, about 3-4" each and x6 Figure of 8 Puffer's, about 1" each.
I just wanted the tank and equipment really, i knew the tank had fish, but didnt know what fish, i was going to keep them or move them on. But since i have seen the fish i am in love with them. Perhaps people who have either of these species will know where i am coming from, they have so much personality it would seem.
Anyway, if i keep them in this tank, by main point of advice is, i am aware that even though Figure of 8 puffers are often found in freshwater as well as brackish water in the wild, they are considered a "brackish" fish (and some sites i have visited today insist they are FRESHWATER) the owner of this tank said he has had the Birchir's for about 6 months and then bought the Puffer's from an LFS about 3 months ago. The tank is running at normal freshwater levels and apparently the LFS said these Puffers were used to "nothing but fresh water?"
If i keep these fish together, which i want to, researching, they have similar dietary requirements (somewhat), what level of salinity shall i aim for? Can the Bichir put up with a low level brackish environment, say 1.003 or something? And will that be okay for the Puffer's? or shall i just stick to freshwater?
Also, do you think the Bichir's will have the Puffers for dinner at some point, as the Figure of 8's rarely get bigger than 2-3" ?
I have just purchased a 4-foot tank with the following inhabitants; x3 Senegal Bichir, about 3-4" each and x6 Figure of 8 Puffer's, about 1" each.
I just wanted the tank and equipment really, i knew the tank had fish, but didnt know what fish, i was going to keep them or move them on. But since i have seen the fish i am in love with them. Perhaps people who have either of these species will know where i am coming from, they have so much personality it would seem.
Anyway, if i keep them in this tank, by main point of advice is, i am aware that even though Figure of 8 puffers are often found in freshwater as well as brackish water in the wild, they are considered a "brackish" fish (and some sites i have visited today insist they are FRESHWATER) the owner of this tank said he has had the Birchir's for about 6 months and then bought the Puffer's from an LFS about 3 months ago. The tank is running at normal freshwater levels and apparently the LFS said these Puffers were used to "nothing but fresh water?"
If i keep these fish together, which i want to, researching, they have similar dietary requirements (somewhat), what level of salinity shall i aim for? Can the Bichir put up with a low level brackish environment, say 1.003 or something? And will that be okay for the Puffer's? or shall i just stick to freshwater?
Also, do you think the Bichir's will have the Puffers for dinner at some point, as the Figure of 8's rarely get bigger than 2-3" ?