Senegal Bicher Questions


New Member
Apr 23, 2005
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I just got one today (yes i looked at the profile). Was wondering what kind of diet you bicher owners have.. like monday you feed feeders, tuesday tablets, etc.. What kind of tablets do you feed them and what brand? And any other information not mentioned in the profile. Also, are they huge jumpers like arowanas? Is it strange that my bicher usually hangs around the heater?
Other info:
40 gal planted tank (not heavily planted)
Temperature is 80
PH is 7.6

Theres also a few feeders inside, can they be scaring him/her?
I don't have a particular schedule for what I'm feeding my bichirs but I do try to make sure they have a good variety of foods through each week. Most of the time I use the following:

1) Frozen 'krill'
2) Frozen silversides
3) Frozen beef heart (occasionally)
4) Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets
5) Hikari Carnivore Sticks (they initially float but will soon saturate with water and sink)
6) Frozen bloodworms (for the smaller bichirs)

I also supplement their diet occasionally with pieces of clam and fresh fish. I very rarely use live feeders and then only if I've quarantined them for two weeks.

Of course I make sure that the frozen food are completely thawed (by soaking in warm water) before using them and, if necessary, I break the silversides into smaller bite-sized pieces.

In my experience, bichirs are escape artists par excellence and all of my bichir tanks are carefully covered. You'd be surprised how small of an opening they can squirm their way out of.

Thanks, also how long do they take to get use to the tank so they would move around more rather then just sit (or float) around? Mine is always floating near the heater occasinally opening its mouth.
Thanks, also how long do they take to get use to the tank so they would move around more rather then just sit (or float) around? Mine is always floating near the heater occasinally opening its mouth.
Its normal behavior for juvenile senegals to hang out at the surface. Try to add a few floating plants for it to chill in (like watersprite), it would appreciate it a lot.
Its about 6 inchs so im not sure if its still a juvenile. At the fish store i bought it at it was very active always swimming around seeming to have lots of energy. I don't know anywhere that sells floating plants such as those. Usually its bunchs or potted plants. Also, its alone in the tank with about 7 small feeder fishs. Are they sharing him/her and should i remove some?
Its about 6 inchs so im not sure if its still a juvenile. At the fish store i bought it at it was very active always swimming around seeming to have lots of energy. I don't know anywhere that sells floating plants such as those. Usually its bunchs or potted plants. Also, its alone in the tank with about 7 small feeder fishs. Are they sharing him/her and should i remove some?
I'd say its "pre teen" ish. Still got another 6" to go until full size. A lot of plants will float on their own if you free them, or you could get silk fake plants. Sorry, but i have no idea what you mean by your last question
The petstore said they ate small feeders. I researched and knew they ate small pellets (just not sure if floating or sinking) and worms (bloodworms/mealworms). I don't really use bloodworms since they usually burrow themselves under the gravel. I'm not sure where they sell lance fish or white bait or prawns. What are shrimp pellets and what brand (so i can look it up :rolleyes: )
shrimp pellets are sinking pellets but it has shrimp meal in it so it taste like shrimp to the fish there are many brands of shrimp pellets i use wardely its cheaper you get more and my fish like it. but how old is your bichir if its to old it might not eat them i gave shrimp pellets when it was little so hes used to eating them.
yeah i have a 6 incher who floats about a lot too but lately hes been spending a bit more time towards teh bottom.
i feed mine
1)tuffies (3-4 times a month)
2) brine shrimp
3) beef heart
4) shrimp pellets
5) catfish pellets (he seems to like em a lot)
Just wondering, are Lancefish and Whitebait in the frozen food sections? I have no clue what a Lancefish looks like or what it is. I know beefheart, krill and the pellets are at my local fish store. Also, are prawns surpose to be small dried up shrimp or huge frozen shrimp? Can one of you guys describe how your bicher eats Whitebait since it seems kind of long to swallow (unless they bite pieces off at a time or you make it bite size)

Edited: I just noticed my bicher only swims around when its dark. So does it mean its still shy? (I kinda took the digital camera out and just took a flash picture of the tank in the dark)

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