Semi Newbie From Ny


New Member
Aug 29, 2014
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hi all semi newbie here from ny. 
Used to keep two red eared sliders. they eventually got to big to handle so i adopted them out and decided to switch to fish.
Currently have two tanks running 
56 gallon tall community tank with a bunch of different stuff in it (of course they always hide when taking pics of the tank)
have river rocks on the bottom (from previous turtles) would like eventually to do some live plants.

older pic with less plants 

Also recently received a freebie 20 gal long rimless tank from a friend who was going to throw it out!!!
set it up to be a faux saltwater tank, have some gouriamis, some clown loaches and a pleco in there right now.

thanks for checking them out, hope to learn a lot of cool stuff on this forum 
Don't you just love a freebie! :)
seriously, he was literally throwing it in the trash lol, tank is mint  
Hi, welcome to TFF! Lovely tanks but im afraid alot of your fish need upwards of 150 gallon tanks as adults. 
I see a bala shark, which get about 16" and need about a 8'+ tank, and a school of 6+ as well, so they dont get stressed out.
Depending on the pleco, i would lean towards a common pleco, which grows about 2ft long. If you dont know what it is can you share a description or even how much you paid for it? It would help narrow down what pleco it is.
Clown loaches are similar to balas but get about 12" and very husky, and need a 150 gallon tank, as well as 6+ schooling numbers.
The gouramis might fight a lot in a confined space, i would watch them.
I think i also see a chinese algae eater? They get quite large and will suck on the slime coat of tank mates and be very aggressive to other bottom dwellers.
Im sorry im not trying to be so negative, but id like to help you, and your fish. :D
yeah i am well aware of the bala shark issue i will eventually have. im hoping to upgrade to bigger tank eventually. 
as far as the gouramis go they have been living well for quite a few months with no issues. 
i am also aware of the plecos, my buddy has a 12 inch pleco at the moment. 
luckily i have a very good local fish store that will take some of the bigger fish back if they be come a size problem

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