Seen the fish i want!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey everybody, recently ive been having problems 'finishing' my tank.

I went to my lfs yesturday and saw loads of fish. I took note what i wanted and so am trying to find out a little more!

I saw spotted leaf fish, african butterflyfish, synodontis nigritas and ACF's.

I liked the look of all of them and the butterflyfish i have kept before im just wondering, how suitable are these in my tank.

So for example do leaf fish do better in groups or are they solitary, what size do they get to, are they agressive? Live with an oscar? Is the butterflyfish suitable with the oscar? What size does the synodontis get to, should they be kept in groups? Would a claw frog do well in a tank with many fish, potentially damaging for the fish? Wha size do they grow to?

I'd love answers to all of the questions so please anyone help!

Thanks in advance,
i wouldn't add anymore fish in there.

are you planning on keeping the oscar in there? Those blind cave fish will most likely end up as a tasty snack for him. The gouramis might take a beating too if they try to be territorial with your big O. As for the clawed frog, there is a good chance it will attack your smaller fiches too. In a 90 gallon tank like yours, i would only keep an oscar and another similar sized fish.
:/ you have a very diverse mixture of fish there. For starters, the clown loaches as well as the Synodontis nigriventris should really be kept in groups of 4+ and the 3 CAE's are (if not already) going to cause serious territorial problems and damage to your other fish.
I'm guessing you're planning to move some of those fish later, because otherwise when that oscar gets bigger all the smaller fish and the slow-growing fish are going to make for a tasty snack :sly:
Yeah i am moving some of the fish.

The clown loach, the CAE's and the blue opaline gouramis were all rehomed for a friend. I am planning on removing them asap, to my lfs. The synodontis nigriventris, i know they should be in groups but when i bought them, they were the last 2 in the tank and they looked miserable lol, the shop i got them from has not had them in since...

After much debate with my inner demons lol i have decided that the oscar will eventually be moved, Benny, as i have called him is a great character but there are so many fish i want and like, at this time i cant afford to dedicate such a big tank to one fish. So i'll grow him up a bit, to about 8 inches and then sell him to a loving home!

The Blind cave fish, will hopefully, always be there, they are currently just over 2 inches, its hard to estimate, theyre certainly bigger than the oscar, so im just hoping that i move him before they become food.

I give Benny about 10 months before i end up moving him, whilst a little premature its never to early to start ur research lol so anybody have any ideas with what could be ok!?

oscars grow REALLY fast, it wont be long before they are huge and have eaten/killed all the fish in thank.
The fish aren't gunna die, the oscar is gonna get moved by the time he is 6 inches!!
Today i took the 3 CAE's, the 1 Clown Loach and the 2 Blue Opaline Gouramis to my LFS. They were rehomed for a friend and he has said that he didnt mind me taking them work so theyre gone! I have however kept the oscar, he will be gone in a few months but i put any ideas of buying new fish to one side and im gonna concentrate on growing him up before i get anything.

Thanks to everyone that helped,
DMan99 said:
The fish aren't gunna die, the oscar is gonna get moved by the time he is 6 inches!!
You're giving him 10 months, but moving him by the time he's 6 inches? He's gonna be 6 inches long before 10 months is over! ;)
Just a heads up. My oscar was only 1.5 - 2 inches when I got him, and I've had him about 8 months now... he's 7 or 8". You'll be surprised just how fast they can grow!
Lol, it would appear that i contradicted myself!

6 inches is definately when im rehoming him, ive decided! lol


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