Seeding New Filter For New Tank


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
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I am getting a 5x2x2 and keeping my 190L, which has been running for over a year with an AquaOne CF1000 filter on it. I want to seed a new filter, a Fluval FX5, for the 5ft. Is it best to hook the Fluval up to my 190L and have them running alongside each other for a month or so until I get my new tank? That way there will be loooads of good bacteria on it. I am only moving two fish from my 190L into the 5ft at the moment, but will be adding other stock after a couple of weeks.

Any ideas how I can connect the Fluval to the Aqua One? It only has one cupboard for the CF1000 filter, so not sure whether it's possible to connect another one up.

The current tank is this one:

The current filter is this one:

This is the new one I am going to get and need to seed:
I am getting a 5x2x2 and keeping my 190L, which has been running for over a year with an AquaOne CF1000 filter on it. I want to seed a new filter, a Fluval FX5, for the 5ft. Is it best to hook the Fluval up to my 190L and have them running alongside each other for a month or so until I get my new tank? That way there will be loooads of good bacteria on it. I am only moving two fish from my 190L into the 5ft at the moment, but will be adding other stock after a couple of weeks.

Any ideas how I can connect the Fluval to the Aqua One? It only has one cupboard for the CF1000 filter, so not sure whether it's possible to connect another one up.

The current tank is this one:

The current filter is this one:

This is the new one I am going to get and need to seed:

the way id do it personally is put some extra media in the first filter leave it till you get your new tank and put it in the new filter when you set your new tank up. if you fit the fx5 it will basically take the filtration over and effectively kill the aquaone bacteria. and you cant link the fx5 to the aquaone youll probly kill the aquaone due to forcing the flow of a much more powerful pump through its guts other idea is leave it as it is now and buy some new media for the aquaone do a media change when you set your new tank up and put SOME of the old stuff into the new canister with its media and run it for a while.
OK, so buy some Fluval media and try and add it to the Aqua One filter, then transfer it over to new tank?
What are your plans for the old filter unit ;o) ?
What are your plans for the old filter unit ;o) ?

That is staying in my 190L as it will still have fish in, plus I'm adding some more at a later stage. Otherwise I'd simply run them side by side in the 5ft. Oooor what I could do, is wait until I get the 5ft set up, put both filters on it (the old and new) and put all existing fish into it for a month or so... Hmm... No scrap that, my O will be too big by then and may try and eat my Khulis or Ram or Keyhole d£mm!t :lol:
When you set up the new tank and filter, you could just rob a sample of mature media from the existing filter and place it into the new one. Up to 1/3 may be removed from a mature filter with no harm to the biological ability of the old filter. That should be plenty to jump start the new filter. Of course you will want to fill the space left by robbing the old filter, so get some more of the right media to fit that filter.
When you set up the new tank and filter, you could just rob a sample of mature media from the existing filter and place it into the new one. Up to 1/3 may be removed from a mature filter with no harm to the biological ability of the old filter. That should be plenty to jump start the new filter. Of course you will want to fill the space left by robbing the old filter, so get some more of the right media to fit that filter.

Ah, that sounds a good plan. The new filter will only be supporting 2 fish for a few weeks while it matures anyway. Hopefully it will be alright. I am getting so excited about the new tank now! Finally ordered it :hey:

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