second one is two days!


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
we need a Betta support group here!

i'll start it.

'Hi, my name is Amber, and I'm a Bettaholic.'


i just discovered Flash's name yesterday, and today i go in to do my volunteer work at my LPS. so i'm talking to Francesca as she nets a poor dead Goldie out of the tank and feeds the 'Quarantine' tank, and i notice these two Bettas.

i look closely at them; one is smaller, has shorter fins, and it stripey. but the fins are way to big, and covered in bloodspots. apparently someone put two males together! the short-finned boy was moved, the one who was left was shredded like cheese. i also found a Tiger Barb with the Goldfish, a Swordtail with the Guppies, an Angel with the Plecos, and a Gold Barb with the Platties. i relocated all the fishies, and my first thought was this guy who works there.


because he mixed some Fantail Guppies, a few small Comets and an Angel in the animal-wash bin and let the Ferret go fishing. he fed the Cichlids a young Plattie and gave each Betta a 'girlfriend' before all the females were eaten (i wonder who ate them :sly:)

so i pick up mr. shredded-cheese, bag him, grab a marineland Betta kit and light and leave with the fishie. i got a discount and rescued another fish!

he's very shy, he hides behind his plant and has a case of ick, so i added some salt and the Betta conditioner to his water and gave him a few bloodworms if he gets hungry. he very shyly told me his name is Lil Phoenix, so Lil Phoenix he is. he's a sort of grizzled Cambodian with a bit of green iridescence to his butt, a very pretty boy who needs more confidence!
BettaBoyz said:
we need a Betta support group here!

i'll start it.

'Hi, my name is Amber, and I'm a Bettaholic.'


i just discovered Flash's name yesterday, and today i go in to do my volunteer work at my LPS. so i'm talking to Francesca as she nets a poor dead Goldie out of the tank and feeds the 'Quarantine' tank, and i notice these two Bettas.

i look closely at them; one is smaller, has shorter fins, and it stripey. but the fins are way to big, and covered in bloodspots. apparently someone put two males together! the short-finned boy was moved, the one who was left was shredded like cheese. i also found a Tiger Barb with the Goldfish, a Swordtail with the Guppies, an Angel with the Plecos, and a Gold Barb with the Platties. i relocated all the fishies, and my first thought was this guy who works there.


because he mixed some Fantail Guppies, a few small Comets and an Angel in the animal-wash bin and let the Ferret go fishing. he fed the Cichlids a young Plattie and gave each Betta a 'girlfriend' before all the females were eaten (i wonder who ate them :sly:)

so i pick up mr. shredded-cheese, bag him, grab a marineland Betta kit and light and leave with the fishie. i got a discount and rescued another fish!

he's very shy, he hides behind his plant and has a case of ick, so i added some salt and the Betta conditioner to his water and gave him a few bloodworms if he gets hungry. he very shyly told me his name is Lil Phoenix, so Lil Phoenix he is. he's a sort of grizzled Cambodian with a bit of green iridescence to his butt, a very pretty boy who needs more confidence!
Awe that's a neat story! I have two cambodians right now, full blooded at that. I wish I could find a cambodian female to keep a decent strain...But the search continues.

Anyways I havea similar rescue story that I am going to tell you about. I posted on another board about 5 new Betas I bought the other day. Well one was the classic rescue case. He was swimming in a tank of albino OSCARS!! He has a lavender body with huge purple-red fins. Anyways, the oscars were chasing him relentlessly around their tank with no luck in catching him....His fins were all torn.... They still are but they are healing quickly. Well I immediatly grabbed the nearest employe and told her that I wanted that poor Beta. She said "well he's food for the oscars." I was appalled. I told her if she didn't get him for me I would go talk to her manager about fishy cruelty. She netted him instantly and plopped him in a cup for me. They didn't even charge me for him... I grabbed some Mela Fix and took the poor guy home.

Now he is in his own 5 gallon, fully planted and heated and aeriated tank. He is still upset, but I added stress-coat to the water and he perked up and regained his color within a few hours. The Melafix is already acting to fix his torn fins. His name is Jester by the way, because of his funny personality and how he acts around females. He gets all clowny and happy. ;)

Glad to report no ill effects have become of Jester!

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