we need a Betta support group here!
i'll start it.
'Hi, my name is Amber, and I'm a Bettaholic.'

i just discovered Flash's name yesterday, and today i go in to do my volunteer work at my LPS. so i'm talking to Francesca as she nets a poor dead Goldie out of the tank and feeds the 'Quarantine' tank, and i notice these two Bettas.
i look closely at them; one is smaller, has shorter fins, and it stripey. but the fins are way to big, and covered in bloodspots. apparently someone put two males together! the short-finned boy was moved, the one who was left was shredded like cheese. i also found a Tiger Barb with the Goldfish, a Swordtail with the Guppies, an Angel with the Plecos, and a Gold Barb with the Platties. i relocated all the fishies, and my first thought was this guy who works there.
because he mixed some Fantail Guppies, a few small Comets and an Angel in the animal-wash bin and let the Ferret go fishing. he fed the Cichlids a young Plattie and gave each Betta a 'girlfriend' before all the females were eaten (i wonder who ate them
so i pick up mr. shredded-cheese, bag him, grab a marineland Betta kit and light and leave with the fishie. i got a discount and rescued another fish!
he's very shy, he hides behind his plant and has a case of ick, so i added some salt and the Betta conditioner to his water and gave him a few bloodworms if he gets hungry. he very shyly told me his name is Lil Phoenix, so Lil Phoenix he is. he's a sort of grizzled Cambodian with a bit of green iridescence to his butt, a very pretty boy who needs more confidence!
i'll start it.
'Hi, my name is Amber, and I'm a Bettaholic.'

i just discovered Flash's name yesterday, and today i go in to do my volunteer work at my LPS. so i'm talking to Francesca as she nets a poor dead Goldie out of the tank and feeds the 'Quarantine' tank, and i notice these two Bettas.
i look closely at them; one is smaller, has shorter fins, and it stripey. but the fins are way to big, and covered in bloodspots. apparently someone put two males together! the short-finned boy was moved, the one who was left was shredded like cheese. i also found a Tiger Barb with the Goldfish, a Swordtail with the Guppies, an Angel with the Plecos, and a Gold Barb with the Platties. i relocated all the fishies, and my first thought was this guy who works there.
because he mixed some Fantail Guppies, a few small Comets and an Angel in the animal-wash bin and let the Ferret go fishing. he fed the Cichlids a young Plattie and gave each Betta a 'girlfriend' before all the females were eaten (i wonder who ate them

so i pick up mr. shredded-cheese, bag him, grab a marineland Betta kit and light and leave with the fishie. i got a discount and rescued another fish!
he's very shy, he hides behind his plant and has a case of ick, so i added some salt and the Betta conditioner to his water and gave him a few bloodworms if he gets hungry. he very shyly told me his name is Lil Phoenix, so Lil Phoenix he is. he's a sort of grizzled Cambodian with a bit of green iridescence to his butt, a very pretty boy who needs more confidence!