

Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
my question is a 2 parter

1. can i buy those packaged seaweed (the unsalted kind) from supermarkets to feed marine fish and inverts?
2. seaweed contains iodine, so does that mean i don't need to add iodine supplements for my inverts to encourage molting?
Yeah, you can buy it wherever you like. A local asian market would do just as well. Beware iodine suppliments. I never reccomend them since ODing on it is worse than not having enough
For some stuff, if you don't have much algae growing (lucky so and so if this is the case) then yes, the feeding of sea weed may be needed for your system. In most cases though, it is not a required essential.

Run us by your stocking and we'll tell you if it's needed or not :good:

All the best
i agree with the above... seaweed is not essential but depends on the stocking list. if you have herbivore fish eg tangs, angelfish etc then it is recommended as part of their diet. my fairy and flasher wrasse along with my bi-colour blenny and yellow tang all absolutely love a daily feeding on a clip and constantly graze on it...
If your algae is light on the ground then, you will need to offer it, as the tang is a herbivore :nod:
yea as said above, your tang will need ome vegetable matter so i would provide some nori/seaweed for it as it helps strengthen ther imune systems etc. also i am sure your snails along with the wrasse would all have a nibble

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