Searching For Top Swimmers.

try getting hold of some clown rasboras Rasbora Kalochroma

stunning fish and great top dwellers
Having just looked up your loaches on ( and the temperature range of your loaches is perfect for Lionheads.

However, the most critical thing I spotted was that Yoyos come from "calmer water pool areas of highland streams." Lionheads have adapted through evolution to live in the high current of the Congo/Zaire River. The only way I could see this combo working would be to add a second current making device (could be a powerhead like a Koralia 3, rather than spending out on an external filter like my Eheim 2078) that creates high current over ~50% of the tank's longest side.

I would love to have a lionhead to go in my current tank, but the current thing is what is stopping me. Oh, and the fact that the Lionhead seems to be a bottom dweller.
Any information on the Acei?
I Have Kirbs with zebra loachs and SAE, no probs ever. The kirbs are even on their second batch of babys.
Just make sure you have lots of hiding places, rocks, wood and plants. seems to keep them all happy. I have long fin danio like 7 of them, and they seem pretty good in the tank.
I dont understand why people give kribensis such a bad name, they are an absolutely stunning fish that make a great centre piece!!

I had a breeding pair of albinos in a 200L tank with cardinals, lots of cories, gobies, shrimps, dwarf chain loach, siamese fighter!! and so on, they spawned regularly, in all fairness the cardinals ate the babies normally but got 2 or 3 survive each clutch.

I now have a 260L planted tank with lots of hiding places with wood and plants and rocks and a cave and the breeding pair of kribensis and their babies are in with 1 male and two female siamese fighters (keep finding the male sharing the cave with the kribs!!) lots or rummynose and cardinals, about 10 corys, shrimps, a bristlenose, khuli loaches, chela, hatchets, gouramis (2 pearl, 3 honey and 5 croaking) and they spawn regularly, they currently have about 10 babies and they all get on fine.

If you want Kribensis then i say go for it! They are far prettier and hardier than most dwarf cichlids! Just respect them for the cichlid they are and arrange the tank around them, not your other fish! Lots of caves and plantsand wood and rocks so it breaks up their view of the other fish and means if they do breed, they dont get too stressed.

Another surfacedweller i have that colours up amazing are the chela, Chela Dadiburjori. They go really yellow and shoal tightly near the surface, they act like a cross between a danio and a hatchet and they shoal with hatchets nicely.

Honey and Pearl Gouramis stay near the surface a lot and look great :)

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