Search Not Working


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Whenever I try to do a search, I get the following error message:
"There was an error processing the request. Please go back and try again, or contact an administrator for assistance.
connection to localhost:3312 failed"
The search function hasnt worked for weeks, along with the calculator and many links on the site. :(
Its a shame it isnt working, its a useful tool and would have stopped some of the comments like "thats been asked before" on some topics. Hope they get it up and running again soon.
I wouldn't want to post a regularly occurring topic that I can't search for through fear of becoming a heckled noob! :D
I wouldn't want to post a regularly occurring topic that I can't search for through fear of becoming a heckled noob! :D

That's a shame now, Pieman. If you or any other members have a legitimate question, please feel free to ask it. That's the reason the forum exists. If you are harassed because it's been asked before, chances are that you are being spammed by members who are to lazy be bothered or who don't know the answer. In this case, just click on the report button and let the moderators know.

yes it is annoying when people get annoyed at people because someone else has asked it i mean surely they know the search isnt working so you would think they would be a little sympathetic :angry:
To search the forums, you can use Google.

Just enter in the Google search box whatever you want to search the forums for, and then also put the following in the box:

So to search for bettas and corys:

betta cory


***A hearty thank you to Schmill for providing that info in another topic***
Good to know I wasn't the only one. I don't know whether it's common knowledge with every forum member but when I've casually looked around in general some members have said, when answering some people's questions , possibly in innocence more than annoyance, 'you may want to search the forum'. LOL Anyway it's not working but good to have the google option. Thank you.

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