Search Function On This Website Is Not Working


New Member
Jul 10, 2008
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It seems I have a hard time using the Search Function on this website; Properly need to re-build the index of this website.
It seems I have a hard time using the Search Function on this website; Properly need to re-build the index of this website.

Huh!!??.... works for me... maybe you should place this under the pc section, (computer zone under hobbies) & then you can place your recommendations for "rebuilding this website".... Good luck!!
It seems I have a hard time using the Search Function on this website; Properly need to re-build the index of this website.

Huh!!??.... works for me... maybe you should place this under the pc section, & then you can place your recommendations for "rebuilding this website".... Good luck!!

It's not working for me either :(

Keep getting "connection to localhost:3312 failed," not sure what it means lol. Guess my internet might be messed up.
There was an error processing the request. Please go back and try again, or contact an administrator for assistance.
connection to localhost:3312 failed

Fixed now- sorry about that! Was down to the database crash.

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