Seabray Tanks...


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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Got a sea bray tank it says "this tank must stand on polystyrene" is this true does it really have to?? its on a flat surface>

Buy the way yes another new tank , just cant help my self
Got a sea bray tank it says "this tank must stand on polystyrene" is this true does it really have to?? its on a flat surface>

Buy the way yes another new tank , just cant help my self
i always stand my tanks on polystyreme
if the base what it is sitting on is level then it will be fine there is no need to use it. waste of material
Unless it's floating based (raised off the stand on a plastic frame) the base is more prone to cracking if you do not use poly. A bouncy floor, un-even surface due to it getting wet and expanding e.t.c could all potentially lead to disaster :sad: Why take the risk, get it under as soon as it is safe to do so :good:

You only need 1/4" poly, so it isn't exactly an eyesore. You can also hide it with the sticky backed trim you usualy use for edging tanks ;)

All the best
my current tank is raised off the floor by plastic and so was my last one and i think the one before that one was also. i have not had any trouble. matter of opinion do what you think you need to do.
Unless it's floating based (raised off the stand on a plastic frame) the base is more prone to cracking if you do not use poly. A bouncy floor, un-even surface due to it getting wet and expanding e.t.c could all potentially lead to disaster :sad: Why take the risk, get it under as soon as it is safe to do so :good:

You only need 1/4" poly, so it isn't exactly an eyesore. You can also hide it with the sticky backed trim you usualy use for edging tanks ;)

All the best

Ahh my floor is pretty bouncy the bit of poly i got is like half inch think ! looks ulgy ! ill try get some 1/4" stuff then
If it is on a perfectly flat surface then thats fine as long as the tank base has no imerfections in it...if it does then it could break under the weight of water (depending on the tank size). I have a seabray and mine is on 1" of polystyrene. I put some quadrant round the bottom to hide it. One thing i will say, if you have ANY problems with it leaking then you can kiss goodbye to you warranty if you dont follow their instructions.

Something to bare in mind is that wooden tank stands can warp

Polystyrene will compensate for this
Thanks made my mind up i will use it! then hide it like in the pic above! thanks!

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