I know that almost no amount of rain will change the SG of the ocean, that is not what I said. What I'm saying is that it will lower before the fresh water mixes with the saltwater. Sort of like when you add fresh RO to you tank, it doesn't instantly mix, it lingers for certain amounts of time. Yes, I know what osmotic shock is, and it only occurs when something changes very quickly, and since the water that you get the coral in from your LFS has to be at least somewhat similar to the water in your tank, it most likely won't go through osmotic shock. And that link you posted to tell how to acclimate corals only recommends floating the bag for 30 minutes to get the coral accustomed to the temp, nothing more than that.The SG of the ocean is a constant, nothing bar global disaster is going to change that, point 1.
Point 2, type into google coral aclaimatization, everyone says to do it, they go so far as to say that only corals really need it done, all LFS (good ones anyway) do and advise to do it as do public aquariums.
Do you know what osmotic shock is? If not read up on it as it is very important to know and finally I'm not going to argue the toss, I do every thing in my power to protect my fish/corals from harm but you can do what you like but to advice someone with an outdated and silly view on coral care is just wrong.
Ps. Your coral is fine now but what about next time.
Read those
I say we do what seffie says and keep it clean. No need for this to get bloody. If neither of us can prove to the other our points, which we both do have, then I say we agree to disagree and leave it at that.