sea monkeys

Tolak said:
Brine shrimp.

Also known as Artemia.

They are commonly called brine shrimp, and inhabit inland salt lakes and are crustacea closely related to shrimp found in oceans. :thumbs:

Need to know anything else?
I had a really nice sea monkey tank once the mars one and I was kicking a ball in my room and smash opps I think I just smashed my sea monkey tank the lil guys were crawlin everywhere so I quickly got a cup and put them in there for a while . and don't let me start on how angry my mum was it was her cup :look: :look:
could you feed sea monkeys to our fish or would it be a mistake?
could you feed sea monkeys to our fish or would it be a mistake?
Sea Monkeys are a marketing ploy to sell Brineshrimp eggs.
They are commonly used by tropical fish breeders to rear fry. Don't buy brineshrimp eggs as sea monkeys, you'll pay more for the gimmick. You can buy 1Lb cans for around £30 which will last you for ages. Yes you can feed them to your fish, providing they are small enough to be temped by them (Larger fish will usually ignore them).
This is an old ad that I remember from comic books when I was a kid. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed when the sea monkeys didn't look like the picture. :( I don't think at four years old I payed much attention the the print on the bottom left. :lol:

What is that? "Caricatures shown not intended to depict Artemia Salina" ?

You mean they won't build a little castle and have picnics right there in your tank?

Did you know there have been sea monkeys in space? My college roommate had a project going to study the effects of zero G or maybe the hatch rate or something...her experiment went onto a shuttle mission. That was about 10 years ago.

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