Scuba Diving Cat!?!?

not seen it and not gonna see it.
this is just another reason that I've banned myself from seeing anything on youtube.
ha ha its not too bad actually, my bf just sent it to me !!
and one of a moray eel biting off and eating someones thumb whos scuba diving !
it doesnt look that bad wolf, i don't think the cat minds atall, the dog deffinetly doesn't lol
deserves the dummy right not stroke the eel lol and the fact he was feeding the thing hotdogs and had his gloves of his hands probably smelled like food what a dummy. deserves him right dont feed wild animals is that lesson. unless you know what you are doing . ;)
Man that cat is so fat :crazy: ! Instead of the owner spending all that money on pet diving equipment stuff, i think they should have took some dieting lessons for their cat...
have to say what a fat cat :angry:
but anyone who's ever tried to get a cat, who doesnt want to go in, into a cat box, will tell you, if that cat didnt want to do it,that bloke would bear the scars :hyper:
:hyper: that's nuts. The cat is either braindamaged (which it doesn't look) or indeed gets something out of it. Swimming is very therapeutic and used for a lot of rehab. It certainly doesn't seem distressed in the very least - even when it's freeswimming in the pool with the dog.
Too bad it can't swim more often and shed some of that weight. That's pretty fat! My cat doesn't mind the water either, but she's a Turkish angora. The Turkish angoras and Turkish vans actually like water more than other breeds. Makes bath time a lot easier.

Good relationship with the dog, too. I wish my dogs and cat got along that well. :lol: There's no violence, but Lily wouldn't be caught dead socializing with Charlie and Cici, let alone sleeping with them. She's far too refined. :lol:

llj :)
The dog and cat get on great bless them.
Yes the cat is fat thought the swimming would slim it down.
I know think i could live without a thumb rather than have toe hands, but what an eejit the hot dogs look so much like his hand....not that he should be feeding in the wild !!!

We did a shark dive in Moorea Tahiti a few weeks ago and they feed lemon sharks a piece of tuna have to say, they are supposedly harmless but if they wanted to hurt you, the guy only had a chain glove on !! :crazy:
Mmkay, I didn't bother watching the whole thing seeing as youtube was too slow for me, but I agree that cat is Fat. The cat did seem to enjoy the water enough though, he/she didn't seem forced into anything. Hopefully the owner will try and do something to make her/him lose some weight though rather than spend all his time thinking of weird things for his cat to do.

ewww he had a toe on his hand, i would have got a fake thumb. Its going to be hard to wanl for him the idiot.

Actually, it's very common for toes to be sown to a hand when someone loses a thumb. The missing toe makes no difference balance wise or walking wise where as the missing thumb makes the hand nearly useless. And honestly, after the scars have healed as well as they will it's not that obvious that it's a toe instead of a thumb, they look quite a lot like each other. Sure, if you know it's a toe you'll notice it, but if you come across a person on the street and end up talking for 5 minutes you will not even notice he's got a toe thumb.

As to fake thumbs, I'm not sure if they even do that. If they do it will probably be less 'use-able' than a toe-thumb and you'll definatly have a lot less feeling in it :p

dulce said:
I know think i could live without a thumb rather than have toe hands

I honestly think that once you find out how little you can do with that hand when you're missing your thumb you'll change your mind on that. You use it a lot more than you realise.

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