
Plecs are all small, around 10 cm is the largest. 2 of the clown loaches are around 10 - 12 cm while the other 2 are half that. Nit sure on the make of the kit but ill check tomorrow and also check the water at the tap!
Also what life do the kits have, mine is around 2 years old now!
Ok, i'm off to bed falling a sleep at the computor, good night.
I would wait for tolak reply he very good.
Looks like he's replying.
Cloudiness from new gravel settles or filters out in a few days. What you are probably seeing is a bacterial bloom, free floating nitrifying bacteria looking for a home. Those fish will all get bigger, the plecs will grow fast. You will need at least double that filtration for that stocking level, many would consider that an overstocked tank.

Doing daily 20% water changes will help knock back the ammonia level. With that sort of stocking you should be doing 50% weekly, more as the fish grow larger.
Well tested the ammonia today and it reads 0 PPM and Nitrate is at 0.5 and thats with no water change from yesterdays results! However i have noticed some very small white spots on a couple of Platy. So iv`e removed the activated carbon and added a half the recommeneded white spot treatment dose due to the clown loaches.
As for over stocked i would say im ok as most say one fish per gallon! Mine is a 77 gal and have less than 70 fish! The plecs are only small and the ones i have do not turn into huge monsters. TBH honest the tank does look quite empty but if members do think im over stocked them i can give some fish to members of my family :good:
I agree I would add another filter as it sounds like that one not coping with all the stock.
I agree I would add another filter as it sounds like that one not coping with all the stock.

Ammonia is down to 0 PPM (as said above)nitrate at 0.5 so why do i need another filter when the one i have is suitable for tanks upto 600L?the tank is 290L and i have less than the recommeneded one fish per gallon rule? As above it is like you said Wilder, turned out to be white spot and im now treating hopefully with minium fish loss :good:
It's one inch of fish per gallon. So you are overstocked IMO.

Please dont take this the wrong way, but how do you know the lengh of my fish? The major fish are, clown loach 2.5 x 2, clown loach 1.5 x2, leopard frog plec / clown plec / rubbernose plec all 2 inch BN plec approx 3 inch, corys are approx 2 inch, flying foxes including RTB are 4 x 2 inch. That adds up to 37 inch not including the tetras, platy and Danio nwhich is roughly 20 Inch so an approx lengh is 57 Inch which adds upto 57 gallons by your rule, my aquarium is 77 gallons!
It's one inch of fish per gallon. So you are overstocked IMO.

Please dont take this the wrong way, but how do you know the lengh of my fish? The major fish are, clown loach 2.5 x 2, clown loach 1.5 x2, leopard frog plec / clown plec / rubbernose plec all 2 inch BN plec approx 3 inch, corys are approx 2 inch, flying foxes including RTB are 4 x 2 inch. That adds up to 37 inch not including the tetras, platy and Danio nwhich is roughly 20 Inch so an approx lengh is 57 Inch which adds upto 57 gallons by your rule, my aquarium is 77 gallons!

Are you measuring by full-grown inches? For example, a 1" paleatus cory will grow to 3", and you measure it by the max size.
To be honest you are overstocked.
I run two filter in my tank and I understock.
Always best to over filter a tank in my opion, as long as the fish are not being blown around the tank.
Good luck with the whitespot, and glad your ammmonia is back to 0.
It's one inch of fish per gallon. So you are overstocked IMO.

Please dont take this the wrong way, but how do you know the lengh of my fish? The major fish are, clown loach 2.5 x 2, clown loach 1.5 x2, leopard frog plec / clown plec / rubbernose plec all 2 inch BN plec approx 3 inch, corys are approx 2 inch, flying foxes including RTB are 4 x 2 inch. That adds up to 37 inch not including the tetras, platy and Danio nwhich is roughly 20 Inch so an approx lengh is 57 Inch which adds upto 57 gallons by your rule, my aquarium is 77 gallons!

Are you measuring by full-grown inches? For example, a 1" paleatus cory will grow to 3", and you measure it by the max size.

Im measuring the fish as they are now, yes i know the clowns will out grow the tank in the future and corys..... one is 2 inch the rest are alot smaller.
To be honest you are overstocked.
I run two filter in my tank and I understock.
Always best to over filter a tank in my opion, as long as the fish are not being blown around the tank.
Good luck with the whitespot, and glad your ammmonia is back to 0.

Wilder... just want to say thanks for your helpful input on this topic which in a way is new for me, never switched my live stock from one aquarium to another before, but it didnt help with new tank mates after a week :crazy: If i feel im over stocked in a month or so i can happly move fish to another aquarium in the family, but i think ill be fine! just hope this white spot goes fast :good:
Ok, good luck.
Make sure you have plenty of aeration in the tank as the med and high temp will reduce 02 in the water.

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