Scored a 55g tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
Oh man oh man! I just scored a 55USg tank + filter + stand + lights for FREE. someone at my school had it laying around and their parents were more than happy to have me take it off their hands. From what I hear from her it's "dirty" and I don't know whether that means its dusty or has fetid water in it, but it's free! The equivalent of a 55USg starter for FREE.

BWAHAHAHA! Now I must plot what to stock it with ... it's one of those long ones.

Any ideas (or links to places with ideas for me)?
You know what I don't think you should putany bug fish in it. You don't know how well it was kept. You should fill it with a whole lot of little fish like WCMM's or neons just incase it busts.

Just a thought

opcn said:
You know what I don't think you should putany bug fish in it. You don't know how well it was kept. You should fill it with a whole lot of little fish like WCMM's or neons just incase it busts.

Just a thought

Not following your logic... why would little fish be better in case the tank busts?
Oh yes very ggod deal indeed. As for small fish they cost less and still look neat (in a 55 gallon you actually get schooling and with 60 or so fish it would be great) also if something happens it is easier to find them homes an LFS is alot more likely to take your 60 neons than it is to take your 3 pirahnas.

WOW! Congrats Xellos69! What luck! I snagged a 55 last year at a yard sale for $20 and was pretty darn proud of my find, but it's hard to beat FREE! I'm always on the lookout for bargain tanks, clean them up real good, rinse really good, find someplace that you can fill the tank full and leave it overnight to check for leaks. I usually throw away any gravel or substrate that may come with the tank unless I know for sure where it has come from. Rocks and ornaments can usually be cleaned. Be careful of any heaters, filters, pumps, etc.--check them out thoroughly before using ( I usually don't trust used heaters at all, but if you know the person you're getting the tank from, and the heater is fairly new it should be alright) Good luck to ya!

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