schools of Cats :)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
NWT, Canada
Kind of a funny question, I have two peppered corys and I want to try out some bronze cats, maybe two more :p will they all hang out together or are they picky about their schools?
I have 3 julli cories and 6 sterbai cories in one tank and they do hang about together.......although they stick more within their own species. Hope this answers your question!! :)
Hi Kerryk :)

When it comes to corys, the bigger their school is the happier they are, so I would predict that sometimes they will divide themselves up, but other times they will mix and play together. :D
:D Thanks! I haven't mixed them before, as long as they all get along I'm happy :)


do sucker cats school?
i think some species do, zebra plecs if i am not mistaken

btw i have:

2 elegans
3 julii
8 sterbai

and they school along FINE but funny enough, the elegans sleep all day (expect dinner)

and julii swim quite abit and schools with my sterbai..

my school of sterbai are cute :p need i say more about sterbais!!!

anyways the more of each species, the more active they will be, altho they will school with other species, just not ALL the time
With the exception of one or two species of corydoras, (and these will seldom be found at the lfs) corys never fight with each other. :)

But as far as socializing with each other, they seem to most enjoy the company of either their own kind or of ones of a similar size. For example, pandas often prefer to stay to themselves than to mix with the larger ones,

Since the peppered corys and the bronze corys are close to each other in adult size, they should get along fine, :thumbs:
you know how stocking levels also depend on how "messy" the fish are...ex) in a twenty gallon tank you could probably get away with about damned near 35 neons about 1 inch each...where as you can't put 35 1 inch guppies in a 20G tank....

How messy are catfish? I have 2, 20 gallon tanks one with:
1 snakeskin gourami (3inches)
2 bleeding hearts (one inch)
and 2 catfish (one inch each)
the other has 2 hopefully breeding gouramis 2" each which will go back into the other tank soon
how many more 2 inch cats do you figure I could add without overdoing it water wise?
Hi Kerryk :)

Before I suggest that you get any corys for your tank, I need to ask you if you realize the size of fully grown snakeskin gouramis and have plans for moving them up to a larger tank? :unsure: If not, I wouldn't suggest adding any more fish to your tank at all.

Here's a link with more information about them:
Hi Inchworm :) , it's going to be a big fish, I was planning on eventually setting up a community chiclid tank. But for the time being he's only 3 inches or so and still manages to fit into his flowerpot. If the chiclid tank doesn't pan out a friend of mine has a 130 gal. with not much in it and would be happy for more fish!

I've never seen a snakeskin grow 9 3/4" that's insane :p they usually stick around 8 don't they?

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