Nope, they are two totally different types of tetra- only tetras belonging to the same type will school together properly. You should get another 3 glolites and 3 neons as the minimum advised number of fish to keep either of these types of tetra in a group in is 5-6+ each .
Only invest in more fish though if you tank is suitable and has the space for them, if it doesn't, you should rehome them.
Because you tank is small and only has the tetra's, i think it would be safe to have 5 neons and 5 glo lites. But i would not add any new types of tetras as you tank doesn't have the space for another 5 new tetras after you've sorting out the numbers of your current ones.
You could have a couple of bottom dwelling fish or critters (like some small corys like panda or pygmy corys, or shrimp like cherry or amano shrimp, many some ornmental snails like golden apple snails etc), but i wouldn't add anymore mid to upper level dwelling fish as yours will most likely still have some growing left in them and will fill the tank out a lot once they are fully grown .