School Science Project


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
A recieved a phone call this morning from a friend who is a high school teacher. She has a girl in class who wants to breed bettas as her science project. I would love to help the girl, but I am torn on one area, but I have an idea...tell me what you think.

I am guessing that this person has VTs...breeding bettas obviously requires facilities (food, cultures, tanks, jars, etc) that I am guessing she doesn't have, and as a high school student, may not be able to afford. Sooooo, my idea is that she could come to my house, look through my fish and choose a pair. That way, she could breed a high quality pair using my supplies. Because my fish room is not in the house she could come and go as often as she likes without bothering anyone, and I will be here to "supervise" and do what needs done while she's in school.

Do you guys think this would be a good idea? Do you think I will offend her by suggesting this? I really would love to help, but there is so much involved that I doubt she knows. I am happy to offer my facilities, but I have plenty of plans of my own...I don't want space being taken up by VT fry that she will have no one to sell them too. :/

Whatcha think? -_-
i think id be a good idea just explain that you dont want her to have to worry about them during school and that anything you do if need be will be recorded
I think it's a great idea, Sorrell - and you could increase her knowledge base (and perhaps your own) by suggesting that she pick a few of your fish as "possibles", and then suggesting that she do a bit of genetic research and pick the two she wants. You could even have her write up a hypothesis based on her expectations of what the fry will look like, or what tail types they'll have, and then she could "collect the evidence" as they grew, and determine if she proved it.

Wait, you're not her teacher. God, I love bio experiments...
wish u were my neighbor :D i think its a great idea shhew should listeb to you because you have hgad 15+ years of expierience
what kind of high school science project involves breeding bettas?!
i guess i went to the wrong high school...

i think thats a great idea sorrell. is she going to keep the fry or are you?
Have you told her what you just said about the requirements? I think that's a lot of work for a science project. Do you know what is going to happen to the spawn?

I, not to be mean or anything, honestly wouldn't want anyone around my fish that didn't have some of their own and didn't know how to take of them. I guess though, that's why you're supervising huh?

I don't know, I would assume the teacher didn't know all that it entails... especially considering they are living creatures...

Although, on the other hand, everything's a learning experience...
uhhh,seriously? How long does she have to do this project? it takes awhile to grow least 2-3 months before you could even consider the experiment 'over' -_-
I would also be alarmed that she's coming and going while I wasn't there... and unknowingly do something that could jeopardize the whole crew...
tekknocolor said:
I would also be alarmed that she's coming and going while I wasn't there... and unknowingly do something that could jeopardize the whole crew...
Yeah! Do you even know this chick?
:lol: Guess you can tell I'm a little over protective of my fish... Glad I don't have any kids yet! Could you just imagine?!
I'm not sure how long they have for the project, the teacher owned a fish store for 25 years, is a member here, and has bred bettas so I know she understands what it entails. If she does have a time limit, I'm sure the actual write up or whatever she has to do could just involve a certain aspect of the breeding. She could help me pick a pair and then as cation said, research genetics to predict the results. :thumbs:
tekknocolor said:
:lol: Guess you can tell I'm a little over protective of my fish... Glad I don't have any kids yet! Could you just imagine?!
If you're anything like me....they wouldn't dream of it ( :sly: ) I totally trust my kid around my fish. Hey, my betta room is also a playroom ;)

But ironically,my kid is the only one I trust with them :*) I walked in on a friend of mine moving my gravel vac from one side of the tank to another one time (I had walked away for a sec...) omg....I love her dearly,but I flipped out :whistle:

Don't do it Sorrell, tell her it's nothing to be taken lightly. Quote yourself from Julie's pinned's not something to do just because,AND it's a lot of freakin work. What if she gets bored with coming to feed 2-7 times a day? What if she stops coming by to do water changes every other day? Do you wind up with your very own rotting walmart style set-up going on? Or does it turn into your work? You know it will be your work, they might as well be your bettas from your spawn...not hers.
fourplayfishy said:
hey wuv maybe reread the original post because they said theyd do the work while the person was at school  :sly:
Hey,fourplay...look at the post times before you spout off your mouth. I was obviously posting at the same time. But thanks for your words,I've made a mental note of them.
:sly: back at ya.

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