Hi. I'm starting a 36 gallon tank. Yesterday I bought three neon tetras to start small. I'd like to eventually have a nice sized school of them (maybe 8 or 9 since they're so small) just so they can stand out in the tank a little more. But the three I got already don't stay together. Two of them do sometimes but one is always off doing his own thing.
Do you think they'll eventually come together?
Do you think if I got a few more a week from now anything would change?
I want to have a nice school of them, but if they don't actually stay together, I don't want to bother getting a few more.
Also, any chance I can add a betta into the tank at some point? I know they don't co-exist well but I have one alone in a ten gallon tank now that I'd like to combine with the 36 gallon tank if possible.
Do you think they'll eventually come together?
Do you think if I got a few more a week from now anything would change?
I want to have a nice school of them, but if they don't actually stay together, I don't want to bother getting a few more.
Also, any chance I can add a betta into the tank at some point? I know they don't co-exist well but I have one alone in a ten gallon tank now that I'd like to combine with the 36 gallon tank if possible.