Scary Bloodworm


New Member
Jun 25, 2006
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I know this is going to sound strange but...........
It's been about 2-3 weeks since i last gave my fish bloodworm,and i have noticed a few sneak through the gravel and usually turn up in the filter head,well yesterday i found a creature at least twice the size of a bloodworm but pale beige,with a tail and i think 6 little legs on its upper body.And it can jump,and live out of water i freaked..i left it twisted up in the fish net to show my husband 8 hours later,he is taken with it,as he went for a closer look it jumped so he put it in a tub of water and it is still alive now..what on earth is it??? he wants to put it back in the tank but i am scared it will eat my fry :/
it seriously has spooked me i know it may sound ridiculous but i am very new to tropical fish keeping
any answers please? :blush:
This could by the pupa (nymph) stage of the bloodworm, left a bit longer it could emerge into the midge fly (a small dragonfly type of fly, not the wee Scotish biting pest).

This happened to one of mine that got into the gravel without being eaten.

Anglers use imataitons on the bloodworm, emerger & midge when fishing for trout etc.
bw.JPGwow!! thank you
i think ive resized a picture of it
I wish I could help, but I've never seen anything like it. LiveLiveGoJump is probably right though. It's probably developing into a midge fly.
Well that is definantly something the bloodworms caused. When feeding bloodworms you should be careful. You should only feed as much as your fish would eat in 3 minutes or so. If you feed too much some bloodworms will be uneaten and then it will get stuck through the gravel and spread what you have shown us in that picture. My conclusion is to be more careful when feeding bloodworms. Just in case some dont get uneaten siphon it so it does not cause any problems in the future :/
That's exactly what mine turned into. It is a midge (pronounced mij [say each letter in 'baby language' or midgeeeeeeeeeee without the e's]).

Hope you know what I mean.
Thank you all very much.
I will be more careful in the future.
I was away for the weekend and have come home to 8 more dalmation molly babies :S i didnt expect them to survive with the ruby shark in but hey they have.Do you think the 1 month old ones are old enough for the fish shop?(not fish and chip :D )they are very large,the new born ones are as big as my 1 month guppies

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