Scarlet Bandis Or Dario


New Member
Dec 8, 2006
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North Carolina
Has anyone ever heard of a Scarlet Bandis or Dario dario? From what I can tell, this is a very small fish that gets no larger than 1". They have vibrant colors and are livebearers. I have been in search for these fish for quiet some time! Does anyone know where I could find them for sale? Also, anymore info on them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
***Tap's his head***

Never head of these but I'll go google it and see what i can come up with.

Scarlet Badis or Badis badis burmanicus this is not a livebearer

google images

Dario dario again this is a relative of the badis

Google images
Nope see some Badis badis in the uk from time to time.

As far i can thing their a cave nester.
Do you know if they can be shipped from the UK to the US? If you know of any websites where they are for sale, please keep me in mind.
Wow. Thanks. As soon as my 30 gal. if finished cycling, I may look into buying from them.
I googled them and read that they were livebearers. hummm....
I dont know where u saw that, but thats not a good site to get a basic error like that.

and I would not ship fish from the uk, to many problems if there are problems.
they also show up periodically on

definitely not livebearers and frequently difficult to feed. i've got Badis burmanicus (also called Badis ruber) and they'll only accept frozen foods. Dario spp. are supposed to be even pickier.
I have dario dario, yeah hard to feed, frozen blood worm or live food is all they will eat for me. Nice little guys though.
wow, that's a lot more than they usually go for... most of the time you see a group of 6 juvies up for sale for around $24. still pricey once you account for shipping too, but not "$35 for a pair" bad.
I had scarlet dario dario. They may be an inch in length. They are gorgeous. They are very picky and very territorial when breeding. The male may kill the female. They are difficult to breed. They are hard to get and harder to get breeders/females. The females are in great demand. I got a bunch during a sales event at my lps. But haven't seen more. One male multiple females. Male takes female to cave to spawn, chases her off, guards the eggs and kills intruders--including females. May pester the female to death. She needs lots of places to hide.

They need a species only tank to breed. They male will care for the young. After I got them I researched them. :blush: The bunch I got lasted about a year or so. I was not able to get them set up in a species only so they lived in the community Tetra tank. They lived at the top with the gouramis in that tank in the floating thick coverbut they breed at the bottom. They like Java fern and java moss, thick cover.

I was able to feed live black worms. But one by one they disappeared and died.



The badis badis that have been recommended are easier and hardier. They are 3-4 inches. I got some from drsfosterandsmith/liveaquaria.

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