Scaredy Cats


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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I bought 4 cory's just over a month ago, they were sold as julli but i think two are leopardus as they are bigger with pointy noses, anyway whenever i walk near the tank they swim off and hide, but they sometimes get small injuries through dashing around. They heal alright but is there anything i can do to stop them being frightened. Would adding more help? Have I got room?

29 uk gallon
8 black neon tetra
6 harlequin rasbora
2 rams
4 corys
I think you could add another cory or two. They do best in groups of 6+. It should make them less skittish, but corys are quite shy ultimately. For them to be the happiest, you should add atleast 2 more. :)
Have you got plants or somewhere for them to hide? I have 6 baby Albino Cory's in one of my Hex tanks, they have a massive plant which them seem to like dashing around and hiding in, they also like subdued lighting but then I think that might just be the Albino ones, I only have Albino Cory's though as they all keep breeding like rabbits :lol: and I have loads of the funny little things in all my tanks..
The back and sides are heavily planted with a couple of rocks and a piece of bogwood in the front. They hide behind the bogwood most the time but if they're out the dash behind the bogwood whenever i walk past.
Hi mpoulton12345 :)

If it's possible that the species you have are wild caught fish, they will probably be skittish for some time, but will eventually settle down, especially if you increase the size of their school.

However, it's not a good idea to keep them in the same tank as your rams. Cichlids and corys are not a good combination because the cichlids could become aggressive toward the defenseless corydoras and the corys can sense this. This might be part of the problem.
I know when I kept my Bronze C. aeneus with my loaches, they acted this way. As soon as I moved them to a mainly cory only tank, there was an instant change in them. They even started spawning on a regular basis. So, I agree with Inchworm, its probably the tankmates.

Good Luck :good:

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