Scared betta


New Member
Sep 11, 2004
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My blue male betta has been acting wierd the last 2 days. He has never been shy, but now he hides from me and gets scared when someone comes by the tank, sometimes he does a mad dash around the tank then hides from sight.

I just got home from a trip, and had others caring for him. He seemed fine when I got home except that he had ick. -_- I treated that and its gone now. He started this behavior a few days after I changed his water to remove the ick meds. What could be wrong with him?
the person that was caring for him may have scared him somehow while you were gone, and he could simply not be use to having you back again.

If you think he is really stressed out, try keeping him out of views of the other bettas (if you have any other ones), put a cloth over his tank to soothe him, and try to sit around his tank a bit mroe so he gets use to you again. Even if at first he seems to run away when he sees you just sit there by teh tank adn stare at him so he knows ur not going to hurt him :)

believe it or not bettas can actually feel these things :D (or at least i think so -_-)
Ty cotton. I'll stay by his tank more often. He is in a 5 gallon tank by himself, and far away from the other male betta, so that's not the prob.

And now I'm even more worried about him, he's not swimming around anymore, he just hides behind the plants.
how often are you doing his water changes? and how often are you feeding him? waht about the person that was taking care of him for you?

Don't worry i'm sure he'll perk up in a while :thumbs:
5 gallon all by himslef

Also he might be lonely

U should get him some buddies like a ADF or some cories maybe some ottos

Show him a mirror once in a while

Look at him give him some good Live Foodz... :thumbs:
I do a 25% water change twice a month. I've had him in the 5 gallon tank alone for almost a year now. And he's always been fine that way. So I don't think he could be lonely.

The people who took care of my fish are my grandparents. They've done it for me many times and my fish are always fine when I get home.

Well. I'll wait and see what happens with him. Hopefully you're right and he'll be ok. :)

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