Scales sticking out but acting normally?

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It's Epsom salt in the bath not salt, though. Epsom salt should only be used as a bath. But yes, ordinary salt should be used in the tank not as a bath.
is this okay to use?
I've been trying Epsom salt baths for 10 minutes a day for a week... the pineconing is getting worse and I don't think I can cure her.
The epsom salt bath draws off the excess fluid from the fish. Organ damage is irreversible so the excess fluid will continue to build up. If she is getting worse with the treatment, stop.

Moving her will be causing damage and stress (especially in a net, I know this was the advise given to you but betta fins are very delicate, betta should always be moved in a container).

It is kindest to let her go. That clove oil is fine but I don't use that method. I euthanise fish with a bang to the head. If you don't want to euthanise her then make her comfortable. Warm (80°) clean water, plants, no tank light and a bit of her favourite food.
The kindest thing to do is euthanise the fish, unfortunately as has already been said, the fish is beyond recovery and any further treatments will be detrimental and are prolonging the suffering at this late stage.
Awww, you did the right thing. Sorry for your loss.

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