Saying hi and thanks


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi Everyone,

I was in a bit of a panic the other day about one of my poor Platies so i posted a message on the emergencies section and after been reassured that it was probably just a battle scar from being bullied rather than a horrible infection i realised i hadn't actually introduced myself to everyone on this forum. So i'm just saying hi to everyone now. My name's Brad and i'm from Melbourne, Australia. I only got my first tank about a week and a half ago (an Aqua One AR980, which i think are only available in Australia) which holds about 190 Litres (45 odd Gallons for all of you still on the imperial system). It uses a Powerhead filter system with noodles, charcoal and dacron in the filter beds.

The tanks quite heavily planted with thin val, ozelots, amazon swords, hair grass and cardamine. I've got 6 Platies at the moment but am looking forward to getting more (once my tank has fully cycled of course). My pH is quite high though (around 7.5-7.8) so i think that is unfortunately limit my fish choices. Any ideas?

I've been flipping through the postings about hospital/quarintine tanks and i definately think i'll get one before i put my next lot of fish in. But it seems no one can come to a conclusion about whether to leave it set up or only set it up when needed. I think i'll just set mine up when i need it using the tricks you guys have listed. That's a safe option isn't it?

Seeing it's approaching Xmas soon, i was looking at putting a tropical fish book on my list to Santa and was wondering what any of you would recommend to be useful? I have absolutely no fish books at the moment.

Thanks for all your helpful advice and i look forward to being an active participant on this board!

Brad :D

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