Saved A Finch Last Night....what Now?

^ Yes, that is why there are so many fatalities from cat attacks. Though it isn't so much a toxin as the bacteria present in the cat's saliva, which happens to be of a virulence that can quickly cause a massive systemic infection (blood poisoning) in small animals. The fact that they create puncture wounds does not help, either, as these close over quickly and trap infection inside. We like to say in the wildlife rehabilitation community that for every animal your cat bring's home, he's killed about 5 others. Cats have a nasty habit of just injuring and "playing" with wildlife, instead of killing it. That is because they act on instinct to stalk and attack, but so long as they are a well fed house cat, often do not kill or eat the animal. So, while your cat may sometimes kill and consume an animal, chances are it bit, clawed, battered, and played with several others that will then go off to die of shock or bacterial infection from the bites. Outdoor pet cats are not natural predators (meaning they do not hunt/kill like wild predators, and do not have numbers and abilities controlled by disease and injury, etc.) and thus pose a very serious threat to wildlife.
:-( how sad. Good for you for giving the little guy a chance to live, he was probably too far into shock to revive but at least he was warm and safe. I found a baby chipmunk (Chip) that had fallen about 10 feet from it's nest, and he hung on for several days, with trips to wildlife experts and a vet, but he ended up dying because he could not recover from the shock.

Do you really live in Somerset... like, Somerset in Cali? If so, there are quite a few wildlife sanctuaries up there. I live really close!
Further to the comments about how germy cat bites are. My brother in law, who is a vet, got bitten on the finger by a cat yesterday. He is now in hospital and was receiving 6 types of antibiotic by IV! He is now down to 2 types. He will be in hospital for 3 days. If it can do that to a big human no wonder it would kill a little bird. Just thought I'd share that with you. Oh, please don't be scared any cat owners. It was an old cat and he was putting it to sleep for humane reasons. The cat didn't know what it was doing.
Vets take an oath to tend any injured animal. I reminded my vet of this last year when I found an injured pigeon in my garden. I took it to the vet. Next day I rang they said it was fine could I fetch it to put it back in my garden. When I got poor thing home and put it in garden it didnt do anything ..I threw it in air it couldnt fly. Put it in outside loo and rang up an animal rehoming they gave me address of bird sanctuary. I rang them they were miles away they said vet had probably just left it to die..she said to take it to her and put it in a cardboard box so it felt safe. found a box went to the outside loo and it lay dead on floor. I cried my eyes out. I rang the lady back and she said i had done all I could she took the name of the vets and was going to ring them and moan at them dunno wherther she did or not.

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