Save the Ontario Pitbulls!

if they're going to go through with this banning then i think they should send people around to everybodies house in Ontario to meet the dog and then judge wether its temperment is unsuitable because i know someone that has a pitbull that was severely beaten and now it's scared of its own shadow and the worse it would do to you is lick you to death :p
Firstly, silver doller, I can understand fear but your comment is an uneducated or ill advised 'head in sand' approach, we live in a world where people walk about with guns and shoot people for the hell of it, banning a breed of dog that most people know very little about, will not make u, me or anyone else in this world any safer. could u even id a pitbull ? Did you try the find it test ??.............

It may not come as a surprise but i have signed the petition, I am currently online to write to a national newspaper about 2 recient dog attacks here, by staffys.

The first dog bit a woman (a friend of the owner) while she was looking after it, (but the paper only briefly mentioned there was a fight between 2 adults in the house at the time..........

The second bit a child, while left unsupervised by the owner who was also the babys mother................

In both cases its the people in charge of the dog (not always the ownwer but the person in charge at the time) that should be punished, Humans have got so up themselves they have forgotton that dogs, like any other wild animal is just that, an ANIMAL, we choose to keep them as pets yet we know so little about their natural reactions to human situations. The only way to stop 'attacks' is to tighten the laws around owning dogs, if you want to keep a tiger as a pet, you have to have a special licence...................Yet trained properly and looked after properly, many people keep pet tigers with no attacks on humans............Where is the difference.........???????? :dunno:
I already stated this once that banning a dog purely on it's breed is the same as being racist. I have met with pitbulls that did nothing more than try to lick me to death, and have met two, count them, Two, cocker spaniels that have bit people, one bit me at a farm, the other, who was my brother's grandmothers dog, ripped my cousins face open. My one friend has a lab that starts trying to gnaw on me when it gets excited, and while this would be okay if it was just soft biting like my old golden did, but this actually hurts, and he won't stop even if you shove him off repeatedly. This is a big dog and I would not want to be attacked by it. Speaking of goldens, if you think they can't hold their own, I've seen my old one kick the ass of some big rottie who was trying to go after me and my brother. So they are not pushovers, and I wouldn't want to be attacked by one of them either.

It doesn't matter the kind of dog, I wouldn't want to get attacked by any of them. Breed obviously doesn't hold for that much. Yes, their are things in the breed you have to take in account, but people rely too much on size and looks. If you made a jack russel the same size as a pitbull, I would be absolutely scared ####less of that dog, because jrt's go after almost anything that moves. But they aren't, so when they chase things its okay, because they are small and cute.

If you can't control a big dog, don't get one. If you don't understand about socializing a dog with animals and people, don't get one, no matter if it's the size of a small pony or small enough to fit in your purse. If you don't trust your dog around strange people or animals, don't take it to these places and you better make damn sure you can keep them in your yard. If you can't understand that while it's cute when your pomerianian chases after a cat, it wouldn't be cute if that dog was something bigger. Get some common sense. If you don't, then don't get a dog, period.

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