New Member
Hi my name is Casie,
and i need major help with my fish tank, I have done research and cant figure out what i did wrong. The first time my fish died it wasn't my fault, see i had gotten a plant from PetCo and come to find out later it was infested with pond snails. I was able to remove the snails fairly quickly but the excess ammonia from the snails had all ready set in and killed them. After the fish had been umm... properly buried in the toilet. I cleaned the whole tank thoroughly and had the water checked before adding any more fish in. PetSmart checked it and cleared the water. So i then bought one Dalmatian molly, and two sunburst pollys. I have a 10 gallon tank so they should have had plenty of room. I got two cory cats to help keep the tank clean. The tank was getting really dirty lately so i decided to take the fish out and clean everything again. Thats when things went down hill i put the four big fish in a clean milk jug with tap water and dechlorinator in it. I dont know if the water was to warm or if the chemicals in the water still was too strong. The cory cats started struggling to stay right side up, and the molly kept falling on his side. The baby that was hiding in the castle is doing fine but all the other fish died. I feel terrible what did i do wrong ? Please help me. Any advice will be much appreciated.
and i need major help with my fish tank, I have done research and cant figure out what i did wrong. The first time my fish died it wasn't my fault, see i had gotten a plant from PetCo and come to find out later it was infested with pond snails. I was able to remove the snails fairly quickly but the excess ammonia from the snails had all ready set in and killed them. After the fish had been umm... properly buried in the toilet. I cleaned the whole tank thoroughly and had the water checked before adding any more fish in. PetSmart checked it and cleared the water. So i then bought one Dalmatian molly, and two sunburst pollys. I have a 10 gallon tank so they should have had plenty of room. I got two cory cats to help keep the tank clean. The tank was getting really dirty lately so i decided to take the fish out and clean everything again. Thats when things went down hill i put the four big fish in a clean milk jug with tap water and dechlorinator in it. I dont know if the water was to warm or if the chemicals in the water still was too strong. The cory cats started struggling to stay right side up, and the molly kept falling on his side. The baby that was hiding in the castle is doing fine but all the other fish died. I feel terrible what did i do wrong ? Please help me. Any advice will be much appreciated.