Save A Betta?

well done you :* :* he might be ok.... ill cross everything to help :) love your tank so sparkly clean...good luck
He's a real cutie! Hope he pulls through, there's a good chance he will with all your love and attention. :thumbs:
Last night tomato spent a lot of time near the surface resting on the plants so he could easily breathe, and I was encouraged that he had at least moved off of the bottom, but he was dead this morning. :-( I feel a little surprised that he didn't last longer than that. He was in terrible shape and had a hard time swimming he was so weakened, but already? Just a couple days ago he was flaring and feeling good about himself. Poor Tomato. I wish you guys could have seen him flaring. I think he was one of the prettiest veil tails I have ever seen. If only I hadn't hesitated to buy him. I just wasn't planning on getting a new betta. Thanks for the comment about the sparkly clean tank. I actually bought the tank and the heater for him.
To double my disappointment I noticed one of the newer diamond tetras in my quarantine tank has developed columnaris. So I'll be ripping one tank down and treating another. Sigh.

The second picture of the red betta is exactly how the top of my fish's head looked. Here's a quote from that article.

"One strain has a virulence that is low and it takes a few days to kill the fish. On the other hand, the highly virulent strain will kill a fish in under 24 hours. If your fish has the highly virulent strain, there is not much that you can do to stop what is already in motion and these fish often die so quickly, that there may not even be enough time for them to show any outward signs of infection."

So I guess it was flexibacter brought on by the bad conditions in their tanks and there wasn't much I could do. Malachite green was one of the meds listed for it. It makes me feel better that it wasn't my fault, yet worse that I didn't pick him up the first time I saw him. Maybe he would have made it without that extra day of waiting for me to get him.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
:rip: Tomato :wub: You gave him a chance but he was just too weak maybe? You couldn't of done anymore for him :wub:
Sorry about tomato but at least he died in a loving environment and you did your best. I hate it when they die!!
So I guess it was flexibacter brought on by the bad conditions in their tanks and there wasn't much I could do. Malachite green was one of the meds listed for it. It makes me feel better that it wasn't my fault, yet worse that I didn't pick him up the first time I saw him. Maybe he would have made it without that extra day of waiting for me to get him.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

Eh coulda, woulda, shoulda's . . . . . you did the best you can and it's not worth beating yourself up over you know?

I had a betta die fr that too - and I blame the breeder that sold the lil' guy to the lfs. He got the fungus the next day and eventually he couldn't fight it.
Like someone else said, at least he died at your house. He was in his own tank and not hassled by the current and other fish. It was a long shot but worth the gamble. You did your best and did a really nice thing too.

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