Fish Herder
I have never done this before but tonight I was tempted to buy a sick fish. I know I know but he was so beautiful! He was a peach colored veil tail, very smooth coloring without splotches on his body, and he had flecks of red in his fins with a teeny bit of irridescent blue showing between the veins near the base of his tail. And his eyes were blue. He was flaring and swimming around the tank like a big macho guy with his tail held very high and full. He was in with two mollies and was flaring at them, and he was flaring at a dead betta in the next tank when it floated by. (gross!) Anyway, I fell in love, but he had two spots of ich and something white at the top of his gill plate. I saw him flash against the filter once. I wanted to take him home so bad because I know he'll die for sure if he stays there. Its breaking my heart. Should I control myself and stay away or should I go back and get him tomorrow? What are his chances of surviving if I get him and treat him?