Save A Betta?


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I have never done this before but tonight I was tempted to buy a sick fish. I know I know but he was so beautiful! He was a peach colored veil tail, very smooth coloring without splotches on his body, and he had flecks of red in his fins with a teeny bit of irridescent blue showing between the veins near the base of his tail. And his eyes were blue. He was flaring and swimming around the tank like a big macho guy with his tail held very high and full. He was in with two mollies and was flaring at them, and he was flaring at a dead betta in the next tank when it floated by. (gross!) Anyway, I fell in love, but he had two spots of ich and something white at the top of his gill plate. I saw him flash against the filter once. I wanted to take him home so bad because I know he'll die for sure if he stays there. Its breaking my heart. Should I control myself and stay away or should I go back and get him tomorrow? What are his chances of surviving if I get him and treat him?
Personally I'd take him home because that's just the way I am. ;) If you love him so much, it's gotta be worth a try, eh? :flowers:
If it is just Ich, bettas respond quickly to treatment if you catch it before it is too advanced. I've had luck even treating septicemia, columnaris, and other serious diseases in pet store bettas. While it isn't the greatest to fund a store selling unhealthy fish, most of these stores make so little profit from bettas that they can afford to let them die in vast numbers; I doubt you will be contributing too much. (Or, if you're like me, you can keep one of your deceased boys "on ice" so that you can get refunds even if the rescue lives, just to say a nice little "fu" to stores that have poor husbandry practices :shifty: ) So, go ahead and rescue the lil bugger; the longer you wait, the lower the recovery chances are. Just make sure you have a separate tank and separate materials to use while cleaning him, so that you do not infect any other fish in your home. :thumbs:

Just as a side note - many bettas who have previously been ill do have chronic health problems; I still don't know if it is due to damage from the illness, or damage from the anti-biotic. So just know in advance that he might have occasional "flare ups" in health problems, and require a more consistent and clean environment to thrive ;)
I'll add my vote into the just do it category. The ick probably stems from the stress he's going thru and when you can get him home and settled....he'll be good. Sometimes your own instincts tell you when you just HAVE to do something. Good luck and keep us posted!
Buy him...Years ago I had one betta I went to a local lfs and there was one that had been bitten really bad..they had just stuck him in the tank with all the weed..I tried to buy him...they tried to talk me out of it..I had to sign a disclaimer to say I wouldnt try to get my money back...I didnt know about treatments or this forum I took him home divided my bettas tank and he turned into the most beautiful betta ..he was really friendly but never built a bubble nest..he was so grateful I had saved him.
I think it's funny that you're asking us that question - because in the end bettas are our weakness. It's like asking a kid to go into a candy shop and ask him if he wants something :lol:

It's always feel rewarding to get a rescue and give him a great home - so my vote it 'Yeh do it!'
I say go for it! He'll appreciate you from taking him out of the hell he's in :nod:
Hey guys, I did buy him today but I almost didn't because I'm not sure he's going to make it. Thought I would give it a try anyways. I wish I had picked him up yesterday, he's like a totally different fish now (in a bad way).
I have him in a 2 gallon tank with a half dose of formalin/malachite green because I think he has Saprolegnia (true fungus). Its all around his gills whereas yesterday I just saw a little spot of it next to one side. I don't see any ich on him now, though. He has lost a couple of chunks of his fins, though. I can see them floating around in the tank although I was very careful in acclimating him.

I have a couple questions. I want to make sure I am doing things right.

1) Is the half dose the right thing to do? I heard bettas are sensitive but I want to get rid of this fungus so I don't want to be too careful and let the fungus kill him. A half dose for 2 gallons is 1 drop, and it doesn't really color the water enough to even notice.

2) Is it OK to use betta fix (melaleuca) at the same time? I wanted to put some in there for his fins but hesitate to mix meds.

Thanks everyone, lets pray that he makes it. Here's a pic of him. He was so much prettier yesterday. My husband named him "Tomato" (thanks hon).


I will let him rest first and not to feed him in a day or 2 in a crystal clear water, add few non iodized salt (I can see u have a heater so good).

Forget about the fin rot, you can cure it on the latter part by adding Betta fix. Just cure his fungus first.

Tomato <---- nice name.

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