Saphs Pond And Fish

were having a discussion on getting a proper sub forum for pictures of fish and ponds etc so please dont add pics to this until we get the go ahead. might take a week to get going so in meantime post pics in the forum as per norm and they will be moved.
H Saph Thanks very much for your reply and helpful info....never even thought of adding another filter box ,the new pond has been running for 6 weeks or so but we did use ALL the previous pond water and topped up with pre treated water. and never changed anything in the filter so the original pond was still in system.

The water doesn't touch any stone on the waterfall,the edging stone around the pond is red sandstone and the same paving as your koi pond but broken into smaller
pieces all from original pond but didn;'t have problems with PH then ......tested today had alot less heat and sunshine and the PH is 7.2 all day??

Have been cleaning the wadding everyday so does look to be slowly getting better.

The good thing is the fish are all well and happy and feeding readily!! :rolleyes:

Will defo try the extra filter though.

Thanks again for your help,so much appreciated :good:
big c its a fish mate 5000 in the koi pond and a kockney koi2400 in the goldies pond

amanada 61
if you have upgraded the pond but not the filter so not knowing what size your filter is i am guessing the filter isnt going to be big enough for the pond now anyway so the add on filter will help
you did the right thing moving all the water and filter over to the bigger pond
do you do weekly water changes ?

i have had a read up on ph levels and yes heat can effect your ph levels so is there anyway you can get you pond under some shade a gazebo or such like and have you got air going into the pond
Hey thanks again for your help,hubby has just suggested may be easier to get another bigger filter box, the pond is 380 gallons with a 3000litre pump and 2200 vorton uvu 9 watt bulb but can't remember what size pond the filter was for as nothing written on it for size!! think the sun has been the problem as well not used to so much sunshine in Scotland!! Have a netted pergola over the top of pond but pond is in full sun all day. Have 2 x aerators running constantly and plenty of oxygenating plants as well and have just ordered some water hyacinth plants to hopefully help. Pond still greenish but getting clearer,filter getting cleaned every day,pond was really clear no algae at all for about the first month did have this problem last year for a while when the pond was smaller but more string algae than floating algea.

LOL not very good at explaining things am I!! :crazy:

Don't do a weekly water change,didn't think that was too good for fish??
hi amanda 61
weekly 10% water changes is fine for ponds as long as it dechlorinated
i do a 10% water changes every week when i clean the vortex brush and brushes i have to drop the vortex and brush bays to waste so this is the excuse to top up the pond with fresh water

its up to you if you want to buy a bigger filter but a tip get a filter at least double the water volume so your looking for something around 760G or bigger
hi amanda 61
weekly 10% water changes is fine for ponds as long as it dechlorinated
i do a 10% water changes every week when i clean the vortex brush and brushes i have to drop the vortex and brush bays to waste so this is the excuse to top up the pond with fresh water

its up to you if you want to buy a bigger filter but a tip get a filter at least double the water volume so your looking for something around 760G or bigger

Thanks again Saph....have found out that our filter is big enough after all ,just needed to add another layer of wool and fine cotton layer,apparently we haven't got enough plants in the pond, so therefor lots of nutrients for the algae and someone on another forum had told me cos I had ghost koi they needed aerators as well,but now have been told I had more than enough oxygen in pond and in fact had too much which was not helping the algae either. Luckily found a family run business about 10 miles away,who looked at the pond and was able to diagnose the problem straight away....
So pleased to announce HOORAY I can finally see the fish again!!! :hey:

The strange part is the PH is 7.2 all day now weird eh? Makes me wonder does algae affect PH?
Thanks again Saph for all your advice it is very much appreciated.

Maybe one day with a few more years of experience I might end up building a Koi pond LOL The stress of a normal pons is enough for now. :good:

in my opinion you can never have to much air during the summer anyway, in winter when temps are 10c and below water is at full oxygen saturations so no real need for extra air however i keep it on to keep the bio filter alive
as for it effecting algae all i can say is my blanket weed didnt like it :rolleyes:

i had a bad case earlier in the year i was going to treat with a blanket weed control so i swapped my winter 25lpm air pump to my summer 70lpm air pump ready to treat but within days of putting the big air pump on the blanket weed was dying off so didnt need to treat after all (thank god cos i dont like putting chemicals apart from dechlorinator in to the ponds unless i really really have to)

you dont have to have a lot of plants in the pond i have one in my koi pond
but i have 8 in the goldie pond
but plants do fight the algea for nutrients and sun light
they may put oxygen into the water during the day but at night they use up the oxygen they put in (mainly the ones where their leaves a submerged)
and yes algae can effect your ph found this
the part about the effects on ph reads
As algae blooms and other algae varieties die off they fall to the pond floor where they start to decay. The decaying process produces carbon dioxide. The increase in carbon dioxide acts as a food source for the remaining algae, starting the process off all over again. In addition the carbon dioxide that is used up by the algae increases the pH level of the water. This increases the level of ammonia and decreases the level of ammonium. Ammonia is potentially lethal to aquatic life forms in high doses

glad your getting it sorted you have to share some pics with us
Hi,Thanks for all the info re the algae,luckily we didn't have any slight traces of Ammonia,I think they meant I had enough oxygen as there is a waterfall going into the pond.

Been trying to upload photos but its not working?? Clicked on photo from my pc that I wanted to upload and then clicked the upload you do for ebay etc but its not uploading am I doing it wrong??
hi amanda
try photo bucket
upload your pics to here then copy and paste the photos link to Coldwater Fish and Ponds section the hopefully blackangel can move them
if we get enough people posting their pics we may get a gallery or photos section for them fingers crossed
I'm a little confused on why we have to post them there and get the moved to this thread. Why can't we just post them here?
i dont think they are being moved to this thread i think they will be moved to a section for pics
pic of the babies from mrs wong and dyson spawn


pics of mins old baby from smudge and dyson ,mr wong spawn i watched the as theyhatched

this is one of the babies nearly a month on and getting some colour


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