SAP owners!


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
my SAP apparently has a taste for algae wafers... i've mentioned it before, but i thought it was a one time thing. but since i put the bristlenose plec in with him, the bristlenose has repeatedly fended the puffer away from the wafer! (its really funny to watch a puffer being chased away by a pleco.)

has anyone else had this experience? actually seeing their SAP eating chunks of spirulina wafers? or is this just mine doing it?
Yup, mine used to do it all the time :) I posted about it once as well (can't find the post right now). I believe it was SirMinion that told me it (or rather, plants and stuff :p) was part of their natural diet.
:lol: well, i've kept putting in algae wafers for the bn and the puffer keeps chowing down on them--he's actually developing quite the little pot-belly! since he likes the wafers so much, i purchased some Hikari sinking carnivore wafers and i try alternating between the two. (since the carnivore wafers stay tougher longer, i'm kinda hoping for a cuttlebone effect. :thumbs: )

i think the funniest thing about these algae wafers is that the bn does not like sharing his food. the bn dive-bombs the puffer everytime he sees puffer trying to eat the algae. there's nothing quite as funny as seeing a pleco chase a pufferfish across the aquarium. :lol: except maybe watching the pufferfish make certain no one is watching before he starts in on the wafer.
lol just wondering though, did your SAP start doing that on his own? mine won't eat anything except bloodworm and snails. He lives on his own, I've tried him on cockles, mussels etc, but he's just not interested. He's healthy enough so I'm not that worried, but I wish he'd eat algae wafers :-/ there must be vitimins in them...
lol mine is 'interested' in the tetra min crisps, but once he realises they're not snails, he loses interest.

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