Sand is sand IMO.

You really just want to make sure you dont get anything too fine, as the smallest disturbance can suspend the little sand granules in the water for hours. I dont really like the look of very coarse sand either.

Play sand or filter sand will work fine though. Filter sand comes in different grades. Find out how coarse the kind you are looking at is.

I usually just go for the play sand at home depot. It seems to be just the right size for my tastes. I dont think pool filter sand gets much cheaper than it at about $2.00 for 50 lbs!
Yeah, save yourself some money and go to Home Depot and get some play sand. I have it in a few of my tanks and I think it looks great!
I say don't get play sand. It has broken down every filter I have put in with it. After keeping it for awaile I read a discussion on another forum about this very topic. They said never get play sand because it's not uniform in grain size which is why it clogs the filters and it is clay based. I would say get the pool filter sand but get a larger grain size. Home depot sells pool filter sand but over here it is like powder so look around. Dealing with sand can get very tricky just be prepared to spend some time doing it right. It seems there's alot to know about it.
I have used nothing but pool filter sand now for 10+ years. It has a more consistant grain size/shape and does not pack down to the same extent as other types of sand. You'll still need to keep it open to prevent anaerobic areas, but it takes a lot less gardening then say, silver sand.
I use Tahitian Moon sand, purchased at Pet Smart. It's black. Rinsing it wasn't the chore I imagined it might be and it doesn't seem prone to floating. The residents like it, too.
i got mason's sand at home depot- it is a little coarser than play sand and it looks great in my tanks! pain in the a$$ to clean though
i spent a few hours washing 2 bags of play sand this afternoon :)

Great light colour and fine granuals that sink back quite quick...

the last sand I used was a lot 'grainier' and the colour was a dark orange :( not what i wanted for a whole tank (its was used under gravel)
I used play sand for my 5.5 and 32 gallon tanks. There's a soil underlayer under the sand for the plants; the sand is just for the loaches and cichlids.
I agree that you should get Tahitian Moon really brings out fish coloration because it is black and my loachies love it! :wub:
I already have taqhitan moon sand in one of my tanks!!! :p :D
It brings out the color of my Rams but iI'm thinking about setting up another tank and using a lighter colored sand. :D :hey: :thumbs:
Buy the aquarium sand but if you must choose between play sand and pool filter sand there is a difference. Pool filter sand is a finer sand that has been cleaned of any red clay and other small particles of dirt. While play sand still has the fine particles of dirt and red clay in it. So you would still need to rinse pool sand but not as much because of it is already sifted and cleaned. I hope that helps.

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