Sand Vs Gravel

Yeah im still in 2 minds about sand, but i also think the play sand just looked lifeless(too clean), so could still buy sand and do part sand and part gravel

but sticking with super fine gravel for the moment
I had large gravel but wanted sand, then came up with an idea to do some sand and some very fine gravel

looks quite good imo

Exactly what I was thinking! You could have like a little play area for corries and the like but it would be hard to stop it migrating.
if it migrates then it migrates and i can top up with a handful of sand

will leave it to gravel for moment tho

after all this I'm going back to sand, but a more natural sand with black bits in, then at weekend getting some more corydoras!!!

but i want some pandas as theyre well cute, but will they be ok going in with my 3 peppered??
As long as you have adequate room in the tank for more cories, pandas and peppers will get along fine. If this is the 60 litre in your signature, it is starting to get fairly full already. I have you at about 16 to 18 inches of fish in that tank so far.
Yes its the tank in my sinature, i dont plan on getting much more so all is good :good:
i used to have cories in my tank with gravel in and recently when i changed tanks i decided to go for the argos play sand which i found is excellent the cories look way more active and you can see them digging into the sand more then they could have possibly dreamed off. although alot of people say there cories are fine in there gravel you will notice alot of difference in the corys behavour. trust someone who has seen there corys change.

heres a pic of mine with argos play sand
Agreed, i think it was the colour of the play sand i hated though, just too bright and unrealistic, so heres pictures of the progress of my new sand from my local Pets @ Home:

after adding the washed sand :crazy: :


after a few more water changes :blink: :


even more water changes :unsure:


and finally this morning i woke up to this :hyper: :


in my mind it looks a lot more like natural sand now rather than bright yellow sand, and if i decide the sand is too dull i could always add a little play sand to brighten it up.

opinions much appreciated :good:

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