Sand Vs Gravel...


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Childs play sand or my normal river rock gravel? I'm aware that sad is very nice and would make it easier for loaches to dig around in... But is Childs Play Sand safe for my fish? Will it effect my readings at all? Any advice would be apriciated
Childs play sand or my normal river rock gravel? I'm aware that sad is very nice and would make it easier for loaches to dig around in... But is Childs Play Sand safe for my fish? Will it effect my readings at all? Any advice would be apriciated

Playsand is cheap and fine for your fish thats what I and a lot of people use here.
Okay... and what about rocks? I've seen hunders of picture of tanks with beautiful rock displays in them... Can i just dig some rocks out of my garden? or pick big ones up from the park and use them? Or are these rocks full of bacteria? I've heard stories of people using shells the find in florida or mexico and the shells end up spiking the pk and amonia... will this happen wil rocks that I find outside?
Okay... and what about rocks? I've seen hunders of picture of tanks with beautiful rock displays in them... Can i just dig some rocks out of my garden? or pick big ones up from the park and use them? Or are these rocks full of bacteria? I've heard stories of people using shells the find in florida or mexico and the shells end up spiking the pk and amonia... will this happen wil rocks that I find outside?

boil the rocks, but be careful because some rocks might have air potckets in them and crack open shooting very hot water at you, i'v took rocks from my moms gradin and boiled them and they are now all long the bottem of my tank, and my reading didnt change oone bit
Thank you very much :D I'll do that :p just gotta make sure my moms not around :lol:
hahah yeah i waited for her to go to work :D then i was out there like a bullet and got a big bucket and just picked out some big rocks and some cool looking ones, when she asked where i got the rocks from in my tank i told her i found them at the park..:p

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