Sand Vs Gravel... Helpp

I have sand in one of my tanks and small gravel in the other. I like the gravel and although I also like the sand it's a b ugger to keep clean.

I have been thinking about the fact that you can't vacuum sand in the same way as you can gravel because the sand gets sucked up and I have an idea. I use a hosepipe from my tank to just outside the back door where I have a drain so this next water change I am going to have the outlet of the hose go into a bucket rather than the drain and instead of keeping the hose half an inch above the sand I'm going to deliberately suck up sand into the hose and let the bucket overflow, leaving clean sand in the bucket which I then tip back in to the tank. This would serve to clean the sand thoroughly and also disturb the under-lying sand to get rid of anaerobic bacteria. The drawback of this is that my kuhli loaches like to burrow into the sand so some sort of coarse filter over the hose inlet might be advisable or a poke with a finger first.
I'd have to say sand. Although it's hell to keep clean, the fishies love it.
I'd have to say sand. Although it's hell to keep clean, the fishies love it.
I find play sand a nightmare to keep clean. You clean it one day and it looks dirty again by the next. Although black sand I find far better. It costs more but it's definitely worth it :)

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