Sand Query


New Member
Jun 30, 2008
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I have a 180 ltr tank with sand in the bottom.

My query is that my sand has tiny dark brown bits on it. Strangely it only appears in an area about 1/4 the area of the sand surface area. About the size of 100's & 1000's.

It is definatley not fish waste as it re appears 5-10 mins after cleaning the sand.

I have these pictures below. I was just wondering if anyone knows what this is and there is anything I can do to get rid of it?

Help is much appreciated and i apologise in advance for the quality of the photos.


Are you SURE it's not fish poo (or other kind of debris). I know with me, I can't hoover up every single inch of my tank without draining it, so while one particular section is clean and clear one moment, soon the water movement will have pushed whatever I missed into that area, which is a spot where all the poo goes because the water forces it around, and it rests in that "dead" spot.
Yeah, it's just crap. It's a mixture of plant, poo and food. I gathers in that place due to the current in the tank. If you get a bucket with sand in it and swirl your hand about in it then let it settle you will find a little pile in the middle. So it's a bit like that in your tank, the crap accumilates in the eddy.
I was so convinced it was not poo, but the current theory makes sense.

Thanks fellas,
well i too have had this "crap" and it couldn't have been fish poo because there were no fish i think it was just in the sand when i purchased it and is slowly going with every water change

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