Sand Problem


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Sunny St. Helens, UK.
Hi everyone

I've got a bit of a problem with my sand. Once the fish waste sinks to the bottom onto the sand it starts to degrade. This starts to form a 'carpet' of green\brown on the sand. Removing it involves sucking it up through the pipe as part of the cleaning routine. This obviously removes sand from the tank. I have been testing and the 'carpet' doesn't seem to reflect in the ammonia etc results.

Does anybody else have this problem? I can't see how I can get around it without removing it as soon as it hits the bottom which is impossible. By the time I come to do my weekly clean there is a layer already built up.

Also, on another note, I've seen my fish routing around on the sand and ingesting sand as they go. This usually gets spat out or comes through the gills but if some gets ingested can this kill a fish or cause it harm.

easy peasy andyboy!!

when you want to clean your tank, just swirl the end of the gravel vac in small circles about a half inch above the sand surface. this will allow you to suck up grot but no sand.
Also, if your tanks inhabitants aren't too sensitive, you can do a 'between clean' by gently swooshing your finest weave net above the sand (just in the general bottom of the tank area, doesn't have to be very close to the sand) back and forth, turning the net at the end of each pass to avoid emptying the net back into your tankwater, and you'll get heaps of poo and other gunk up in your net. Not reccommended with delicate fish though, as it creates a fair bit of disturbance in your water.

i ahve kept several different varieties of tougher fish with sand (guppies, corys, BN, goldfish, eeltail catfish) and they have never had a problem with ingesting it, although they do spit it out of their mouths or gills like yours do. I guess it's just a matter of keeping an eye on your fish just in case. Maybe add peas to their diet if you are concerned, it might help them move out any sand in thier bowels? (not sure about that though, just hypothesizing!!)

hope this helps, Merry.
Thanks for the quick reply.

The waste actually sticks to the when it starts to degrade so swooshing doesn't get it up. It may just be me?? I'll have a go at it. I can't see how this doesn't happen to other people.

oh, sorry i misunderstood.

my fish poo never stuck to the sand, maybe you could do a quick swoosh every few days to catch the @#$% before it sticks? (sorry, sad pun, i know.....)
i just use the hose without the cleaner on the , it does suck up some sand but i give it a quick wash and dump it back in again.
Sand stays cleaner with a decent filter with good water circulation so waste dosent settle so much but gets taken into the filter

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