sand or gravel

Sand, sand, sand, sand and sand!

I would NEVER go back to gravel for any fish EVER again!

It looks better, is easier to clean, less likely of hurting your fish due to sharp edges and heck, the fish seem to like it better. Win, win situation I tend to think.
I like sand its looks to me a lot nicer and mor enatural and plus its easier to clean and can be clean again unlike gravel which will be always dirty.
When I get a new tank I'll either get black sandy gravel stuff (fine gravel) for my 5 gallon and use the green thats in there at the mo for cycling, or get black snand for my new tank. i will go up to maidenhead aquatics, they do natural looking rocks. But it will probably be sand, I want a nice planted tank (hey, I can get plants for 30p each! Why shouldn't I?)
14 of my tanks are in gravel but for a change of pace (and saving a lot of money) I decided to set up my 75 gallon using play sand. I absolutely love it! The sand is gorgeous, white and sparkly and the majority of the fish in that tank are bright bright orange or orange/black. Their colors look so stunning against the white sand it's unbelievable. They look a hundred times better in the sand tank then they did in the gravel. And I also put a herd of 7 young cories in there and they look like they are having a ton of fun, much more active than in their previous tank. You can see them wiggling in the sand like they are saying "oooh! this feels good!".

Next tank I get (or redo) is going to be in the black tahitian moon sand unless I can find an equivalent black sand that's cheaper.
scotty said:
sounds great to me :thumbs: anyone know what sort of plants do well in sand?
I have Sand and Grow Amazon Sword, Hygrophilia and Elodea really well. But I do also use fertilizers.
how do u use the fertilisers and where do get them,another question are u better with an internal or external filter with sand?
I have an internal Juwel Filter and it's fine with sand! But alot of people prefere external filters, wether they have Sand or not. It's a personal thing.

Fertilizers come in either liquid or tablet form, and each one will have intructions on it's packaging. You get them from any pet shop. Or online. Look on the Planted tanks forum, loads of info, tips and stuff there.

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