Sand Or Gravel

I'm also considering switching to sand because I plan to have cory cats, but I have a silly question...

Wouldn't the sand get sucked up when you "gravel" vac? How do you clean it without that happening? My gravel vac can suck up small snails, so I'm thinking the sand would just pass straight through.

could try putting material (tights/thin socks) over the opening to stop some particles getting sucked through
I currently have coarse gravel as substrate in my fishless tank because that is what came with it when I bought the setup but would like to change to sand as I think aesthetically it looks nicer and having seen my brother in law (guppi) cleaning his it looks a lot easier. I'm guessing it would be easier to change it before I add fish but do I need to drain all my water off before adding as I have only just started my fishless cycle and don't want to upset the work that has been done so far.
Yes I am a newbie lol and would appreciate any advice.
If it was me I would change the filter dont think its a very good one, ask the experts tho they will guide you better. Has for the sand you can change it before the cycle gets going or after its finish but when I did it, it set the cycle back a good few days.
If it was me I would change the filter dont think its a very good one, ask the experts tho they will guide you better. Has for the sand you can change it before the cycle gets going or after its finish but when I did it, it set the cycle back a good few days.
I think i'm gonna have to stick with the filter I have John. can't afford another as yet til I start working again.

don't suppose you have any sand left do you lol??

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