Sand Or Gravel


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
just a quick question can anyone out there give me some advice on which is the best for my community tank gravel or sand ? and why you choose the one you choose , and also what type of sand would you have has ive been told to use silica sand or GB sand ????????????????????? : :huh: im stuck please help and advise me

I would 100% say that if you have/intend to get Corys/Catfish then sand is worth the hassle. If not then get gravel. Sand looks lovely at first but personally I've found it a real pain to keep clean as it shows up EVERYTHING (which of course dark gravel won't). Yesterday for example I did a really good clean on it, it looked great and then literally half an hour later there was poo over it again. It's also difficult to clean without sucking loads up so you have to top up every now and then. Also it can be a bit dangerous to your filter. I've had a panic more than once that I might have got too much sand in it(knackers the motor).

BUT corys do love it and it's the kindest thing for them. It also looks very lovey when you can get it clean and is cheap. The best sand that a lot of us use (assuming you're in the UK) is Argos Play Sand. It's safe, looks natural and is only about £2.99 for a huge bag!
I choose sand as I think it looks better and is easier to clean. I started both of my tanks with gravel and quickly switched to sand. My cory, pleco, and otto all love the sand! The only think I did was beef up my filters. I doubled the filter size for tank some my 10 gallon tank has a 20-30 gallon filter on it and my 20 gallon tank has a 30 gallon filter and a 20 gallon filter on it. I use Nature's Ocean Marine white sand from Petco. It comes in 5lb bags. I use 5lbs per 10 gallons of water.
It depends what effect your going for. Like many have said sand is great to corydora and any other species that like the dig. But if you want to have plants then your best to look into a plant substrate (special gravel). It is also good to use gravel if it is your first tank as it provides a lot surface area for bacteria and is very easy to clean with a vac. Were as sand takes quite a bit of patience to clean, and it will get dirty within a day or two. Sand also needs to be stirred or messed up on occasion to prevent build up of toxins in sand. Also be careful when selecting sands as some can raise your pH quite drastically.
Sand! I switched from gravel to sand and it looks MUCH better. I choose a light colour peppered with dark, so the muck doesn't show too much. I also find cleaning it easier than I did with gravel, because the mess sits on top rather than sinking in between.
I love sand!. I'll never go back to gravel after using it. If you're patient, it's easy to clean, corys and loaches love it, and I love the look.

I'm using a pool filter sand in my tank, which is white with black and brown specks through it. 50lb bag in a 46 gallon tank (and it costed me about $10.!)
What using a algae magnet to clean the tank, sand usually gets trapped between the glass and the magnet and it causes horrific scratches :shout:
Are there any cheap dark sand options on a par with the Argos play sand? Or is all dark sand expensive, aquarium-specific stuff?
i switched from 2 differnt types of gravel in my tanks to a very very fine gravel which is nearly like sand in both my tanks and i would say i have made great choice as in both my tanks the fish dont swim over or around drift wood and rock as they have dug tunnels under them!!

easy to clean? i wouldnt know as i dont clean them,just a little turn over every now and then.seam to hear alot of peaple clean sand alot which i think must stress fish out alot and cause chemisty troubles.
Are there any cheap dark sand options on a par with the Argos play sand? Or is all dark sand expensive, aquarium-specific stuff?

I used roman pettex stuff from fish store, not that expensive and doesn't have any cloudy residue
Are there any cheap dark sand options on a par with the Argos play sand? Or is all dark sand expensive, aquarium-specific stuff?

No I have looked, so I went with normal playsand with a black background.


THFC forever, lol

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