Sand Or Gravel


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Alfreton, Derbyshire
I am new to the hobby but it is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I am determind to do the right things and have borrowed many books from library. I have looked through the books but one thing I can't find is which is better Sand or gravel? I think sand looks better and more natural but how do you keep it clean. I have read about gravel cleaners but I presume you can't use these on sand and do real plants thrive in sand or gravel. Please help me. thanks, Mark
There are ways to clean the sand with the gravel cleaners. It's been discuused before, do a search for sand and you'll probably find the most detailed topics on having sand. Plants I don't know, but I'm sure there's a way, because people do it. use a gravel cleaner on the sand, as i was so kindly directed :) and you rinse the sand thru in abucket till theres no yukky stuff..apparently play sand is the best :)

*disclaimer..this information was gave to me in another post..i don't know personally!! lol
go with sand,
it might be a pain at first during the whole washing the sand process but in the end its going to save you a ton of time because none of the food or waste will go down into small gaps as it does with gravel making it hard to clean

just remember though, with sand you will have to shift the sand every few weeks to make sure any poisonous gas doesnt develop.
i just use my gravel siphon and take the hose end off and just use the big plastic part and push it all the way to the bottom of the sand and pull it back out. do this throughout the entire surface of the sand

as long as the sand doesnt compact you are fine, shifting will prevent it from compacting
Why not comprimise and obtain fine gravel, you can get some really fine gravels these days and in some nice natural colours. Sand in my opinion compacts and can cause problems especially if you wish to grow live plants at some point in time. If you are wishing to grow some plants in the future then my advice is to lay a substrate of 25mm unwashed fine gravel mixed with a little garden loam (no fert or additives Pond soil from B&Q is ideal)top this off with 35mm of washed fine gravel and you have a really good substrate.
Secondly bright aquarium lighting over sand tends to wash out the colours of the fish, a really nice dark fine gravel is much more asthetically pleasing.

This is only my opinion and I hope it was of some help to you.

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