Sand and plants..


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2004
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what depth of sand should i have?

also i want to be safe from any anerobic gases and other bad stuff..

i will also have live plants..

also maintance with sand is it alot of work? so it doesn't get hard or cloud water and screw up filters?

and is it true i need 1 pound if substrate per gallon of planted tank?

Your depth should be no more than 2", but this can be built up around
the base of the plants.
what depth of sand should i have?
This is really up to you, most people say around 2" max. I have more because I like and want a deeper sand bed. I have a terraced area of my tank with about 5" of sand.

also i want to be safe from any anerobic gases and other bad stuff..
Either stir the sand at every water change, using a chopstick or something, or get Malaysian Trumpet snails. They will stir the sand for you, preventing the pockets from forming.

i will also have live plants..
Not a problem!

also maintance with sand is it alot of work?
No, slightly different than gravel, but easier (IMO). When you change water and clean your substrate, hover over the sand with the vac instead of plunging it into the sand. The debris and waste will be suctioned out, the sand will fall back down.

so it doesn't get hard or cloud water and screw up filters?
Sand can compact, but the snails and/or stirring will prevent this from happening. Often sand clouds the water initially, but this problem goes away. Also, if you rinse your sand very well, initial clouding will be limited. Don't get sand in your filter and you'll be fine. Really, most sand is too heavy to be sucked in by any but the most powerful filters. Just don't have the filter intake tube too near the sand.

and is it true i need 1 pound if substrate per gallon of planted tank?
This will usually be the right amount, and it's a good starting point. This all depends on how deep or shallow you want your sand layer to be.

Would kuhli loaches stir up the sand enough? I'm thinking of making the switch... Is it ok for a betta tank?
Exactly what FishDan said!

I love my sand.
I have about 5"in the big tank and less than 3" in the puffertank.
Everything does show up, but like Dan said, get some snails.
It is so worth it! :nod:
As for bettas, I have no idea but I am sure the loaches would love it!
We have sand in all our tanks.

With the puffers, it's a must as they're so messy and the uneaten food and poop is easy to spot on the surface of the sand and hoover out, plus, pockets are avoided buy the buffers burrowing to rest.

In the tank with our Dragon Gobies, we have no problems with anaerobic pockes, as the gobies regulaly move the entire load of sand from one end of the tank to the other!

I'll never go back to gravel now.
I just made the switch from gravel to sand this past week. I have a 46g tank and the guy at Lowe's told me that I was getting a 50lb bag of sand, but it seemed awfully light and I never did think to weigh it. I just got one bag of play sand (said it covered 6sq ft at a depth of 1 inch) and it turned out to be perfect. My sand is between 1 - 2" in different parts of the tank.

My cories love me now :wub: :lol:
HI if I could give any advice to someone thinking of going to sand that would be rinSe rinSe rinse and rinSe some more. You will really regret it if you dont.If you get lots of clowds from the sand, fire up the filters to full turkey and get aquaclear.

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