Sam's Nano Journal

Haha no, believe it or not there are 15 dwarf rasboras in there! and 7 sawbwa resplendens too!
Haha wondered if you might mention that!!! I cheated and used JBL algol, I know its not very EI but I hope by clearing it, the plants can now stay on top of it. They just needed a help in the first place. But trust me as of a few days ago it was all over the place!


PS - i noticed the newest leaves of the HC has lost all their colour and turned translucent. I had the same thing when I when away for two week, wondering if a lack of water change for two weeks could be the cause, perhaps lack of mg?
That is the complete polar opposite to my tank, Sam. But it looks great. I like the minimalist look. I just don't think my tetras would like it much. I think Rasboras are much better for that sort of thing.
The HC looks very inviting. Kinda makes me want to reach in and touch it :lol: How are the fishies handling the minimalistic look, btw? My 15 gallon's currently bare bottomed, with a few weighted plants here and there. My flame tetras aren't liking it much :/

I just don't think my tetras would like it much.

Thanks you two :) at least someone seems interested!

Re the fish, strangely enough the dwarf rasboras seems quite happy, they stay together but dont really hind. The sawbwa resplendens aren't quite as happy though, tend to stay near the back and only really come out to feed, but this could be because there aren't as many of them, the rasboras are in a nice big shoal so that probably helps them feel secure.

FK - you're right about the HC, its very compact and feels very 'lush' when you touch it, wish I could have lawn of it!


Firstly the HC carpet looks great, really healthy and lush. That is something to be proud of.

As for the scape - I like the simplicity of this in principle but for me it's too simple. I would add more hardscape, maybe some more dragon stone and slope the substrate to improve the illusion of depth.

If you intend sticking with 100% HC then great layouts are possible.
Wow, its so stark, empty and bleak then softened by the rich gentle green. It reminds me of a burnt landscape, the wood the remains of a great old tree, the HC like the first colonising plants. It’s striking and memorable. Maybe I'm getting carried away, made me think though. You going to leave it like that?
Well, I started readin this because I have a 24 x 8 x 8 tank that I have just divided to hold some bettas. I thought it would be cool to see what someone else has done with the same tank. I love plant scapes. But I have no technical knowledge about planted tanks at all.

I did go through most of the journal thinking what the hell does EI, HC and HM stand for.

I really love what you've done with the tank. I've always really wanted a carpet but don't have the lighting!

It's not just the tank that does you credit, the journal is amazing. To be able to see the trials and tribulations all the way through was really informative. It's also really nice that you understand that us plant noobs have to start somewhere, especially jusy knowing what EI stands for.

I am hoping to set up a well planted tank but was worried about coming on here as a noob to find out how and getting shot down in flames because I really don't know much at all. I am not so worried anymore and I hope all the plant geek/gods are as helpful and understanding.
Thanks you two :) at least someone seems interested!

Just re-read that, sorry sounds a bit harsh! PMT or something.

Right, more dragon rock it is and I think I'm going to need another bag of eco-complete to get the hills, so will have to save up until I can re-scape it yet again! That will give the HC time to adjust to the new lighting, which I guess isn't a bad thing.

Thanks for the input people :)

Next update in a few months!

After seeing your tank it gave me an idea, trying to make 2 mountains with a valley in the middle. Sides of the mountain would be HC. Doubt i'll get round to trying it though.

Your tank is looking good. Simple but nice. Personally i'd like something with a bit of height in it rather than being flat. Maybe the hills you mentioned might do that. What about placing gravel underneath the substrate you have now, rather than spending more on eco-complete?
I totally love that rock and the lushness :wub: But it's a bit stark for me and I think it needs just a tad "softening" somehow. Hope you don't mind me saying so ! :good:
Bloo - hell no! you say what you like :) Im glad people say stuff other than just 'looks great', only by people say what they think can you learn, I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment :) the whole 'flatness' is a common comment, so I've had a think and have idea for a dramatic rescape, still simple but with a view to recreating something from nature :)


Nothing new to add regarding the scape/flatness, so just posting to say that your HC carpet is stunning.

However you rework the layout, keep that carpet !
Hi Sam,

I think youve created a very believable aquascape with the simple carpet of HC. By that I mean Very natural looking. However I must confess I would find it a bit difficult to adhere to the simplicity of the layout, Id be too tempted to plant something else. I loved the HM you had before! Ive seen pictures of huge tanks with just a hillside look planted with hairgrass or glosso and have always admired the aquarist's restraint in adding other plants and in some instances spoiling the aquascape. I think your tank is minimilist and that its beauty lies in its simplicity! Im not the type to resist though!! :)

Nice work mate!

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