Salvin's Cichlid


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2008
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hello, i am just wondering the idea of adding another cichlid to my 250l south american set up which at the moment houses a pair of green severum's and a pair of festive cichlids all of which are now mature.

It is either to add one or two of Cichlasoma salvini (salvin's cichlid) or to add a shoal of marbled hatchet fish...

Any suggestions to other fish species would be appreciated, thanks
Hi in a 250 liter tank I wouldnt have the severums, the common green sevs are Heros Efasticious which are capeable of growing to 10-12 inches and ideally need at least 300 liters so a little bigger than the one you have at present.

With the Salvini, gorgeous gorgeous fish and one on my long list of fish I want. But I would not add it to this tank, I think the sevs would be fine but I am unsure of the festivums and how they would compete with the aggression of a Sal. Esp in the 250 liter tank if the tank was 350-400 liters I would say no problem but I think it would be stretching it a bit.

Ok cheers, the male sev is only about 6-7 inches and the female about 5/6, i guess they still have a bit of growing to do. this is why i asked, i have pretty bad judgement on fish size ratio to volume of water and i can get a little over excited about adding a new fish.

Many thanks
Yeah 250 litres isn't really big enough for two severums in my opinion, they are chunky fish.

I would be cautious of adding a salvini to a 400 litre tank with severums to be honest...they are mean buggers and can flip overnight. They don't call them 'mini-guapotes' for nothing.
I would be cautious of adding a salvini to a 400 litre tank with severums to be honest...they are mean buggers and can flip overnight. They don't call them 'mini-guapotes' for nothing.


I've not owned a Salvini, but everything I have read about them indicates that they can be very aggressive, and are much better suited to an aggressive tank with the likes of COnvicts, Dempseys, GT's etc.

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