Fish Addict
I've been looking into reefing for quite some time now and it really appeals to me and more so than tropical fish keeping, my only problem being though that I live away from home and can only come home on weekends. I leave my tanks in the able hands of my mum and it would be unfair to get her to look after another massive reef tank. So after originally thinking about getting a big 75 gal sumped monster I thought about trying out a nano reef which are of course much harder to look after, but then I thought why not make it easier by putting in a sump but then it would have to be skimmed, and then it would have to be UV sterilised and then I might aswell get a bigger tank!!!!!!! so you can see my problem. I could wait untill I'm older but I'm joining the RAF in 1 and a half years so I won't be able to have a reef tank or any tanks for that matter So does anyone have any suggestions maybe like keeping a super nano reef like 5 gals and not skimming it and only having live rock and 2 clowns and an anemone? It cant be that hard to keep that sized tank under control if there is someone always watching it and I only have two fish or am I horribly wrong (Which I think I am ) any way cheers for any input guys